Changes in Disease Status of the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina: Ruminant and Swine Diseases

Document ID: APHIS-2009-0034-0093
Document Type: Rule
Agency: Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service
Topics: No Topics associated with this document
Federal Register Number: 2010-28976
CFR Citation: 9 CFR Part 94
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Details Information

Abstract: We are amending the regulations governing the importation of certain animals and animal products by adding the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina to the list of regions we recognize as free of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, and African swine fever. We are also adding Santa Catarina to the list of regions that are subject to certain import restrictions on meat and meat products because of their proximity to or trading relationships with rinderpest- or FMD-affected countries. These actions will update the disease status of Santa Catarina with regard to FMD, rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, and African swine fever while continuing to protect the United States from an introduction of those diseases by providing additional requirements for live swine, pork meat, pork products, live ruminants, ruminant meat, and ruminant products imported into the United States from Santa Catarina.
Document Subtype: Final rule
Received Date: November 16 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Start-End Page: 69851 - 69857
Comment Start Date: November 16 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


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