The Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) is
updating the delegations of authority from the Secretary to five Operating Administrations and the Associate Deputy Secretary and Director, Office of Intermodalism, in response to the Secretary's determination that hazardous materials safety would be enhanced by placing the focal point for intermodal and cross-modal DOT hazardous materials program issues with the Associate Deputy Secretary. This
document revises the current delegations concerning hazardous materials to reflect the primacy of the Associate Deputy Secretary for cross-modal DOT hazardous materials program issues. Further, this rule broadens each Operating Administration's delegations to allow them to use their respective resources for DOT-wide purposes. Additionally, the
rule provides the Director of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics with the authority, in coordination with the Associate Deputy
Secretary, to work with the Operating Administrations to determine data needs, collections strategies, and analytical techniques appropriate for implementing DOT's hazardous materials program.
Effective Date: August 15, 2000.
U. S. DOT/OST - Final Rule
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