2011-05-16 Comment recommends waiting to begin the rule making until after January 2012, thoroughly researching and proving reliability before adopting technology, validating performance options included in the rule making, and fully describing certification process before requesting manufacturer’s information. Includes detailed remarks to specific items for which DOE sought input.
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Title: 2011-05-16 Comment recommends waiting to begin the rule making until after January 2012, thoroughly researching and proving reliability before adopting technology, validating performance options included in the rule making, and fully describing certification process before requesting manufacturer’s information. Includes detailed remarks to specific items for which DOE sought input.
Details Information
2011-05-16 Comment recommends waiting to begin the rule making until after January 2012, thoroughly researching and proving reliability before adopting technology, validating performance options included in the rule making, and fully describing certification process before requesting manufacturer’s information. Includes detailed remarks to specific items for which DOE sought input.
View Attachment:Comments
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