Title: 20130412 Jackson County REMC, Jed Wheatley
Title: 20130412 Pee Dee Electric Cooperative, Inc., E. Leroy Nettles, Jr.
Title: 20130416 Delaware County Electric Cooperative, Wayne Marshfield
Title: 20130419 Morristown Utility Systems (MUS), Joseph S. Wigington
Title: 20130422 Thumb Electric Cooperative, Dallas Braun
Title: 20130423 Boone Rural Electric Membership Cooperative, Brian L. Newton
Title: 20130423 Oneida-Madison Electric Cooperative, Inc., Keith Pitman
Title: 20130424 McMinnville Electric System, Rodney Boyd
Title: 20130425 GreyStone Power Corporation, Gary A. Miller
Title: 20130425 Jackson Electric Membership Corporation, Randall Pugh
Title: 20130425 Minnkota Power Cooperative, Stacey A. Dahl
Title: 20130425 Southern Rivers Energy, Charles Lowery
Title: 20130425 Southern Rivers Energy, Charles Lowery (submitted via paper)
Title: 20130426 Corn Belt Power Cooperative, James Sayers
Title: 20130426 Irwin Electric Membership Corporation, Randy Crenshaw
Title: 20130426 Jefferson Energy Cooperative, Chris Dillard
Title: 20130426 Mitchell Electric Membership Corporation, Tony F. Tucker
Title: 20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Belva German
Title: 20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Don Kammrad
Title: 20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Greg Anderson
Title: 20130426 Shelby Electric Cooperative, James E. Coleman
Title: 20130426 Sumter Electric Membership Corporation, James Ted McMillan
Title: 20130428 Virginia, Maryland, & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, Samuel R. Brumberg
Title: 20130429 Grundy County REC, Michael Geerdes
Title: 20130429 Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation, Todd Payne
Title: 20130429 Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. David Ramsey
Title: 20130429 Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Lawrence F. Roecker
Title: 20130429 Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative, Larry Schultz
Title: 20130429 Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., Lisa Staggs Herrmann
Title: 20130429 Butte Electric Cooperative, Inc., John Lee.
Title: 20130429 Carroll Electric Membership Corporation, E. A. Jakins
Title: 20130429 Coweta-Fayette Electric Membership Corporation, Anthony H. Sinclair
Title: 20130429 Diverse Power Inc., Wayne Livingston
Title: 20130429 Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative, Chad Foster
Title: 20130429 Habersham Electric Membership Corporation, Curt L. Arulf
Title: 20130429 Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, Tresa Hussong
Title: 20130429 Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation, Lewis Sheffield
Title: 20130429 Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, Eddie Richardson
Title: 20130429 Midland Power Cooperative, Norm Fandel
Title: 20130429 Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., Linda L. King
Title: 20130429 Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, Myron D. Rummel
Title: 20130429 Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jack L. Perkins
Title: 20130429 Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Michael S. McWaters
Title: 20130429 Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association, Sonja Bogart
Title: 20140426 Coastal Electric Cooperative, Frank W. Hollowell
Details Information
20130412 Jackson County REMC, Jed Wheatley
View Attachment:20130412 Pee Dee Electric Cooperative, Inc., E. Leroy Nettles, Jr.
View Attachment:20130416 Delaware County Electric Cooperative, Wayne Marshfield
View Attachment:20130419 Morristown Utility Systems (MUS), Joseph S. Wigington
View Attachment:20130422 Thumb Electric Cooperative, Dallas Braun
View Attachment:20130423 Boone Rural Electric Membership Cooperative, Brian L. Newton
View Attachment:20130423 Oneida-Madison Electric Cooperative, Inc., Keith Pitman
View Attachment:20130424 McMinnville Electric System, Rodney Boyd
View Attachment:20130425 GreyStone Power Corporation, Gary A. Miller
View Attachment:20130425 Jackson Electric Membership Corporation, Randall Pugh
View Attachment:20130425 Minnkota Power Cooperative, Stacey A. Dahl
View Attachment:20130425 Southern Rivers Energy, Charles Lowery
View Attachment:20130425 Southern Rivers Energy, Charles Lowery (submitted via paper)
View Attachment:20130426 Corn Belt Power Cooperative, James Sayers
View Attachment:20130426 Irwin Electric Membership Corporation, Randy Crenshaw
View Attachment:20130426 Jefferson Energy Cooperative, Chris Dillard
View Attachment:20130426 Mitchell Electric Membership Corporation, Tony F. Tucker
View Attachment:20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Belva German
View Attachment:20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Don Kammrad
View Attachment:20130426 Prairie Energy Cooperative, Greg Anderson
View Attachment:20130426 Shelby Electric Cooperative, James E. Coleman
View Attachment:20130426 Sumter Electric Membership Corporation, James Ted McMillan
View Attachment:20130428 Virginia, Maryland, & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, Samuel R. Brumberg
View Attachment:20130429 Grundy County REC, Michael Geerdes
View Attachment:20130429 Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation, Todd Payne
View Attachment:20130429 Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. David Ramsey
View Attachment:20130429 Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Lawrence F. Roecker
View Attachment:20130429 Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative, Larry Schultz
View Attachment:20130429 Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., Lisa Staggs Herrmann
View Attachment:20130429 Butte Electric Cooperative, Inc., John Lee.
View Attachment:20130429 Carroll Electric Membership Corporation, E. A. Jakins
View Attachment:20130429 Coweta-Fayette Electric Membership Corporation, Anthony H. Sinclair
View Attachment:20130429 Diverse Power Inc., Wayne Livingston
View Attachment:20130429 Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative, Chad Foster
View Attachment:20130429 Habersham Electric Membership Corporation, Curt L. Arulf
View Attachment:20130429 Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, Tresa Hussong
View Attachment:20130429 Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation, Lewis Sheffield
View Attachment:20130429 Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, Eddie Richardson
View Attachment:20130429 Midland Power Cooperative, Norm Fandel
View Attachment:20130429 Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., Linda L. King
View Attachment:20130429 Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, Myron D. Rummel
View Attachment:20130429 Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jack L. Perkins
View Attachment:20130429 Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Michael S. McWaters
View Attachment:20130429 Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association, Sonja Bogart
View Attachment:20140426 Coastal Electric Cooperative, Frank W. Hollowell
View Attachment:Comments
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