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Received Date: February 27 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
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Benzene 2008: Prioritization of Toxic Air Contaminants - Children’s Environmental Health Protection Act - October, 2001

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Cumulative Impacts: Bulding a Scientific Foundation - December 2010

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Development of Health Criteria for School Site Risk Assessment Pursuant to Health and Safety Code 901(g): Child-Specific Benchmark Change in Blood Lead Concentration for School Site Risk Assessment

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Development of Health Criteria for School Site Risk Assessment Pursuant to Health and Safety Code 901(g): Child-Specific Reference Does (chRDs) for School Site Risk Assessment - Manganese and Pentachlorophenol - Final Report June 2006

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Development of Health Criteria for School Site Risk Assessment Pursuant to Health and Safety Code 901(g): Child-Specific Reference Doses (chRDs) for School Site Risk Assessment - Cadmium, Chlordane, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Methoxychlor, and Nickel - Final Report December 2005

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Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

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In Utero and Early Life Susceptibility to Carcinogens: The Derivation of Age-at-Exposure Sensitivity Measures - May 2009

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Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors: Methodologies for derivation, listing of available values, and adjustments to allow for early life stage exposures - May 2009

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