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Document Subtype: Company/Organization Comment
Received Date: March 30 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Page Count: 1


1,3-Butadiene (CASRN 106-99-0), November 5, 2002

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Bayer Group

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Benzene (CASRN 71-43-2)

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Comment from Bill White, Mayor, Office of the Mayor, City of Houston, Texas

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Comparative Assessment of Air Pollution - Related Health Risks in Houston

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Current and Future Risk Assessment Guidelines, Policy, and Methods Development for Chemical Mixtures

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Detailed Facility Report

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Detailed Facility Report - Enforcement & Compliance History Online (ECHO)

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Detailed Facility Report - Lyondell (48201NEI11319) Channelview, TX

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Detailed Facility Report: GB Biosciences (48201NEI7211) Houston, TX

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Detailed Facility Report: Port Neches C4 (48245NEI12483) Port Neches, TX

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Final Rapid Science Synthesis Report: Findings from the Second Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS II) - August 31, 2007

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Guide to Considering Children's Health When Developing EPA Actions: Implementing Executive Order 13045 and EPA's Policy on Evaluating Health Risks to Children - October 2006

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Houston We Have a Problem - A Roadmap for Reducing Petrochemical Industry Toxic Emissions in the Lone Star State - May 2008

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Improvements in Air Toxics Emissions Data Needed to Conduct Residual Risk Assessments - October 31, 2007

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Letter to Honorable Bill White, Mayor, Houston Texas from Elizabeth Craig, Acting Assistant Administrator, USEPA, Office of Radiation

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Letter to Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator, USEPA from Dr. Deborah L. Swackhamer, Chair, USEPA Science Advisory Board and Dr. Jana Milford, Chair, SAB RTR Methods Review Panel

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Linder and Sexton 2010. The Importance of Rigorous Analytical Strategies for Elucidating Cumulative Risk Burdens and Disproportionate Effects

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Louisiana Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2010-2015

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Memorandum from Howard J. Hoffman, Attorney, USEPA Subject: Addendum to Survey of Risks: Background Radiation

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Micronucleus Formation by Benzene, Cyclophosphamide, Benro(a)pyrene, and Benzidine in Male, Female, Pregnant Female, and Fetal Mice

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Nation Ambient Air Quality Standards for Lead; Final Rule

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Performance Test of a Steam-Assisted Elevated Flare With Passive FTIR - Final Report May 2010

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Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children

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Phthalates and Cumulative Risk Assessment: The Tasks Ahead

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Relationships of Video Assessments of Touching and Mouthing Behaviors During Outdoor Play in Urban Residential Yards to Parental Perceptions of Child Behaviors and Blood Lead Levels

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Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A) - Interim Final, December 1989 [EPA/540/1-89/002]

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Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment

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Setting Priorities for IRIS: 47 Chemicals that Should Move to the Head of the Risk-Assessment Line

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Steam Contribution to Combustion Zone Gas in Variable Wind Conditions - June 22, 2010

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Strengthening Environmental Justice Research and Decision Making: A Symposium on the Science of Disproportionate Environmental Health Impacts - March 17-19, 2010

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Strengthening Toxic Chemical Risk Assessments to Protect Human Health - February 2012

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TCEQ 2010 Flare Study: Final Report, August 1, 2011

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Texas Petrochemicals Must Spend $20M to Clean Houston Air

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The Proof is in the Permit - How to Make Sure a Facility in Your Community Gets an Effective Title V Air Pollution Permit - June 19, 2000

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Toxic 100 Air Polluters - March 2010

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USEPA National Air Toxics Program: The Integrated Urban Strategy - July 19, 1999

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