Revised Compliance Dates for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation and Effluent Limitation Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2005-0036-0012
Document Type: Proposed Rule
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Topics: No Topics associated with this document
Federal Register Number: 05-24303
CFR Citation: 40CFR Parts 122 and 412
View Document:  View as format pdf View as format html

Details Information

Abstract: Federal Register of December 21, 2005, (70 FR 75771) (FRL-8011-7)
Document Subtype: Federal Register Document
Received Date: December 21 2005, at 10:41 AM Eastern Standard Time
Start-End Page: 75771-27779
Page Count: 9
Comment Start Date: December 21 2005, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 20 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time


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Total: 24
Comment submitted by T. Kristof
Posted: 01/04/2006     ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2005-0036-0013

Jan 20,2006 11:59 PM ET

Jan 20,2006 11:59 PM ET

Jan 20,2006 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by North Dakota Department of Health Division of Water Quality
Posted: 01/23/2006     ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2005-0036-0022

Jan 20,2006 11:59 PM ET

Jan 20,2006 11:59 PM ET

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