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» Proposed Approval of the Indiana 2009 annual CFR update
Proposed Approval of the Indiana 2009 annual CFR update
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Proposed Rule
Environmental Protection Agency
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Federal Register Number:
CFR Citation:
40 CFR Part 52
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Document Subtype:
Federal Register Document
Received Date:
May 13 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Start-End Page:
27973 - 27973
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Comment Start Date:
May 13 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date:
June 13 2011, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
No comments posted.
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State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Revisions to the State Implementation Plan Approved by EPA through Letter Notice Actions
Direct Final Approval of the Lima, Ohio (Allen County) 1997 8-Hour Ozone MOBILE to MOVES Maintenance Plan Revision
Implementation Plans; Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations: Wyoming; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Planfor Regional Haze
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Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Carolina; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia; Removal of Obsolete Regulations and Updates to Citations to State Regulations Due to Recodification
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania,Virginia, and West Virginia; Removal of Obsolete Regulations and Updates to Citations to State Regulations Due to Recodification
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kentucky; Kentucky Portion of Cincinnati-Hamilton, Supplement Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Update
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kentucky; Kentucky Portion of Cincinnati-Hamilton, Revision to the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
State Implementation Plans; Disapprovals: Montana; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Atlanta, Georgia 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revisions: Washington Tacoma-Pierce County Nonattainment Area
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Atlanta, Georgia 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
State Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Connecticut; Reasonably Available Control Technology Update to Address Guidelines Issued in 2006, 2007, and 2008
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State Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Revisions
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Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kentucky; Approval of Revisions to the Jefferson County Portion of the Kentucky SIP; Emissions During Startups, Shutdowns, and Malfunctions
Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Utah; Interstate Transport of Pollution for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
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Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Partial Approvals and Partial Disapprovals: Arizona; Regional Haze Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Transportation Conformity Revisions
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Transportation Conformity Revisions
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Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Stage II Requirements for Enterprise Holdings, Inc., Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, Boone County, KY
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts etc.
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Proposed Approval of the Lake and Porter Counties, Indiana 1997 8-Hour Ozone and PM 2.5 MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
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Direct Final Approval of Indiana NAAQS Update for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide
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Proposed Approval of Indiana NAAQS Update for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide
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Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Dakota; Interstate Transport of Pollution for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Dakota; PM2.5 Increments, Major, and Minor Source Baseline Dates; State Board Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Montana; Interstate Transport of Pollution for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Montana; 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Revisions
LA016.01 Louisiana; Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval of Section 110(a) (1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Parish of Pointe Coupee, Direct final rule. 5 pages t59
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Connecticut; Ozone Attainment Demonstrations
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia; Attainment Demonstration for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
LA016.02 Louisiana; Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval of Section 110(a) (1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Parish of Pointe Coupee, Proposed rule. 1 page t59
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Utah; Revisions to Utah Rule R307-107; General Requirements; Breakdowns
State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Carolina; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: West Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Direct Final Approval of IL Consumer Products Rule #2, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223
Proposed Approval of IL Consumer Products Rule #2, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223
AR004.21 Arkansas, Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter. 5 pages t57
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Revised General Conformity Requirements and an Associated Revision; Wyoming
TX143.01 Texas, Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Approval of Texas Low Emission Diesel Fuel Rule Revisions, Direct final rule. 4 pages t56
TX143.02 Texas, Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Approval of Texas Low Emission Diesel Fuel Rule Revisions, Proposed rule. 1 page t56
TX121.02 Texas; Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revisions to Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds from Stationary Sources, Proposed Rule. 2 pages t56
Direct Final Approval of IL Consumer Products Rule #2, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223
Proposed Approval of IL Consumer Products Rule #2, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223
TX121.01 Texas; Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revisions to Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds from Stationary Sources, Direct Final Rule. 5 pages t56
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of Indiana Consent Decree Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Pennsylvania; Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for Pennsylvania Counties in the Philadelphia-Wilmington, Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
Final Approval of Ohio VOC RACT Phase 3 submittal
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New York; Infrastructure SIP for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New York; Infrastructure SIP for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: District ofColumbia; Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Reductions Regulations
State Implementation Plan; Revisions: California; Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District; Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze; Reconsideration; Public Hearings
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Oregon; Open Burning and Enforcement Procedures
Proposed Approval of the Southeast Wisconsin I/M Program
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Carolina; Deferral of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements for Greenhouse Gases
Final Approval of the Illinois Small Container Exemption
Proposed Approval of the Particulate Matter portion of the Indiana 2012 NAAQS Update
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: Arizona; Maricopa County Area
Direct Final Approval of the Particulate Matter portion of the Indiana 2012 NAAQS Update
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Delaware; State Board Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Delaware, State Board Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kansas; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the West Virginia portion of the Steubenville-Weirton, OH-WV Nonattainment Area for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Volatile Organic Compound Definition; Revisions
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham and Winston Salem Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Region 4 States; Prong 3 Infrastructure Requirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New York; Carbon Monoxide; Revisions
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Santa Barbara and San Diego County Air Pollution Control Districts
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Butte County Air Quality Management District and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Butte County Air Quality Management District and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Monterey Bay Unified and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control Districts
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Santa Barbara and San Diego County Air Pollution Control Districts
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Monterey Bay Unified and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control Districts
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Missouri; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New Jersey; Infrastructure SIP for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New York State Ozone Implementation Plan Revision
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Georgia; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Mississippi; 110(a)(2)(E)(ii) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
State Implementation Plans: Response to Petition for Rulemaking; Findings of Substantial Inadequacy; and SIP Calls To Amend Provisions Applying to Excess Emissions During Periods of Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction; Extension of Comment Period
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard, Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Moderate Nonattainment Area
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Nevada; Reconsideration of BART Compliance Date for Reid Gardner Generating Station; Public Hearing
Correction to Final Approval of Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Florida; Prong 3 of Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) Infrastructure Requirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Pennsylvania Counties inthe Philadelphia-Wilmington, Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
TX134.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Reasonably Available Control Technology for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. 4 pages t42
AR014.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Arkansas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions. 4 pages t42
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Proposed Approval of Ohio PM Emissions from Industrial Processes, 3745-17-11
Direct Final Approval of Ohio PM Emissions from Industrial Processes, 3745-17-11
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Disapprovals and Promulgations: Colorado; Revision to Definitions; Common Provisions Regulation
State Implementation Plans: California, South Coast Air Quality Management Plan; Revision
State Implementation Plans: California, South Coast Air Quality Management District; Revision
Implementation Plan Revisions; Disapprovals: State of California; South Coast VMT Emissions Offset Demonstrations
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee; National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Withdrawal of the Direct Final Approval of the Flint Hills Resources Amended Findings and Order (Minnesota
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Reconsideration of BART Compliance Date for Reid Gardner Generating Station
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Oregon; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter and 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia; Attainment Demonstration for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the DC-MD-VA Moderate Nonattainment Area
Proposed Disapproval of ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC Indiana SO2 revision
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: State of Washington; Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference
Proposed Approval of the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain and Columbus, Ohio 1997 8-Hr Ozone MOBILE to MOVES Maintenance Plan Updates
Proposed Approval of the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain and Columbus, Ohio 1997 8-Hr Ozone MOBILE to MOVES Maintenance Plan Updates
Direct Final Approval of the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain and Columbus, Ohio 1997 8-Hr Ozone MOBILE to MOVES Maintenance Plan Updates
State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Idaho
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Georgia; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology; Amendments
Direct Final Approval of the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain and Columbus, Ohio 1997 8-Hr Ozone MOBILE to MOVES Maintenance Plan Updates
Direct Final Approval of Indiana Consent Decree Requirements
Proposed Approval of Indiana Consent Decree Requirements
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: North Dakota; Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: West Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
NM036.12 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Mexico [State]; Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter. 5 pages t3c
NM009.425 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; New Mexico [State]; New Source Review (NSR) Preconstruction Permitting Program; Clarification of EPA’s Approval of the Sunland Park Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard. 4 pages t3b
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kentucky; Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Delaware; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Delaware Portion of the Philadelphia Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Deferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and other Biogenic Sources under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revision to Allegheny County Regulations for Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Revisions to Knox County Portion of Tennessee State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Revisions to Knox County Portion of Tennessee State Implementation Plan
State Implementation Plans: Findings of Failure to Fully Submit under the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County Reasonably Available Control Technology Under the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
State Implementation Plans: Findings of Substantial Inadequacy; Calls to Amend Provisions Applying to Excess Emissions, etc.
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham and Winston-Salem Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Feather River Air Quality Management District; Stationary Source Permits
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham and Winston Salem Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: State of Hawaii; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference
Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Region 4 States, Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Missouri; Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Missouri; Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Knox County Supplemental Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Missouri; Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kansas; Kansas City; Idle Reduction of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Knox County Supplemental Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Kansas; Kansas City; Idle Reduction of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Missouri; Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes
Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Volatile Organic Compound Definition
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Tennessee; Volatile Organic Compound Definition
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Pennsylvania; Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in the Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Massachusetts; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Interim Final Determination to Stay and Defer Sanctions: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Alaska; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District; Stationary Source Permits
NM034.19 Correction of error in Final Rule: Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County: Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 and 2008 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS, published September 19, 2012 (77 FR 58032). 1 page t2c
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Oregon; Heat Smart Program and Enforcement Procedures
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Amendments to Maryland's Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: District of Columbia; Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Reductions Regulations
Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: New Jersey and New York Ozone Attainment Demonstrations
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Amendments to Maryland's Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Removal of the Mount Saint Mary's College 1979 Consent Order
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: Maryland; Removal of the Mount Saint Mary's College 1979 Consent Order
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Massachusetts; Revisions to Fossil Fuel Utilization and Source Registration Regulations, etc.
Proposed Approval of Revisions to Michigan Part 19 NAA NSR Rules
Final Approval of the Regional Haze FIP for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
Final Approval of the Regional Haze FIP for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
Proposed Disapproval of Regional Haze BART for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
Proposed Disapproval of Regional Haze BART for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
State Implementation Plans; Partial Disapprovals: Arizona; Regional Haze Requirements
TX049.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Emergency Orders. 8 pages t25
TX140.06 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Beaumont/Port Arthur Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets. 3 pages t24
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Proposed Approval of the Cincinnati-Hamilton, Ohio and Indiana Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets Revisions
Direct Final Approval of the Cincinnati-Hamilton, Ohio and Indiana Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets Revisions
Direct Final Approval of the Flint Hills Resources Amended Findings and Order (Minnesota)
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley United Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Proposed Approval of the Flint Hills Resources Amended Findings and Order (Minnesota)
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Direct Final Approval of the Cincinnati-Hamilton, Ohio and Indiana Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets Revisions
Proposed Approval of the Cincinnati-Hamilton, Ohio and Indiana Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets Revisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Missouri; Control of Sulfur Emissions from Stationary Boilers
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Missouri; Control of Sulfur Emissions from Stationary Boilers
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revisions to New Source Review Rules
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: Washington; Tacoma-Pierce County Nonattainment Area
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgations: South Carolina; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Reasonably Available Control Technology for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
NM036.10 Approval and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. 3 pages t1m
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Regional Haze Rule Requirements; Utah; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans:Requirements for Determining General Conformity of Federal Actions to Applicable State Implementation Plans; West Virginia
NM044.06 Approval and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Revisions to the New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Permitting. 3 pages t1m
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Requirements for Determining General Conformity of Federal Actions to Applicable State Implementation Plans; West Virginia
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Utah; Smoke Management Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Findings of Failure to Submit Complete State Implementation Plans
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Withdrawal
AR014.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arkansas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions. 6 pages t1b
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Idaho
Determinations of Attainment; Nonattainment Areas for 2006 Fine Particle Standard: Yuba City-Marysville, CA; Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
Determinations of Attainment; Nonattainment Areas for 2006 Fine Particle Standard: San Francisco Bay Area, CA; Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
Approval of Clean Air Act Outer Continental Shelf Minor Source/Title V Minor Permit Modification: Shell Offshore, Inc., Kulluk Conical Drilling Unit
Interim Final Determinations to Stay Sanctions: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Finding of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plan: Call for California State Implementation Plan Revision; South Coast
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Open Burning and Enforcement Procedures
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Determination of Attainment for the Nogales Nonattainment Area for the 2006 Fine Particle Standard: Arizona; Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego APCD, Northern Sierra AQMD, and Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego APCD, Northern Sierra AQMD, and Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Determination of Clean Data for 1987 PM10 Standard for Ogden Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determination of Attainment of 200624-hour Fine Particulate Matter Standard, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Maintenance Plan for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard forSalt Lake County and Davis County
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Colorado; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of the 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Proposed Approval of the Wisconsin PSD Greenhouse Gas Tailoring and Biomass Deferral Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Wisconsin; Prevention of Significant Deterioration Greenhouse Gas Tailoring and Biomass Deferral Rule
Proposed Approval of the Wisconsin PSD Greenhouse Gas Tailoring and Biomass Deferral Rule
Re-Proposed Approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Milwaukee-Racine, Wisconsin
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Idaho; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Redesignation of West Virginia Portion of Huntington-Ashland, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Wisconsin; Milwaukee-Racine Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particle Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; WA, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for West Virginia Portion of Steubenville-Weirton, OH-WV Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Colorado; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Deletion of Final Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Emission Cutpoint Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Permits for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications Locating in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Areas and Permits for Major Stationary Sources Locating in Nonattainment Areas or the Ozone Transport Region
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Fredericksburg 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS; Correction to Illinois Codification
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Illinois; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS; Revisions to FIPs To Reduce Interstate Transport of PM2.5 and Ozone; Correction
Final Approval of the Delaware County (Muncie), Indiana Ozone Maintenance Plan MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Correction
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Knox County Supplemental Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Update
Proposed Disapproval of the Wisconsin PM2.5 Permit Requirements
Final Approval of the South Bend Indiana MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; Attainment Plan for 1997 8-hour Ozone Standards; Technical Amendments
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; Attainment Plan for 1997 8-hour Ozone Standards; Technical Amendments
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans for PM2.5: New Jersey; Attainment Demonstration, Reasonably Available Control Measures, etc.
Approvals, Disapprovals, and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Utah; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
TX109.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Public Participation for Air Quality Permit Applications. 14 pages szd
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Nonattainment Area for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Wyoming; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Charleston Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Parkersburg-Marietta, WV-OH Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Jersey and New York Ozone Attainment Demonstrations
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Eastern Kern, Imperial, Placer, and Yolo-Solano; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Florida; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gases
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Eastern Kern, Imperial, Placer, and Yolo-Solano; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Eastern Kern, Imperial County, Placer County, and Yolo-Solano; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Moderate Nonattainment Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Baltimore Nonattainment Area for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Eastern Kern, Imperial County, Placer County, and Yolo-Solano; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Baltimore Nonattainment Area for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Placer County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Washington County Nonattainment Area for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Placer County and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Washington; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Region 4 States; Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Region 4 States; Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control of Stationary Generator Emissions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control of Stationary Generator Emissions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Interstate Transport Infrastructure Requirements (Prevention of Significant Deterioration) for 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Attainment for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Final Approvals of Michigan Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (SIP) and Federal Implementation Plan (FIP)
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County Incorporation by Reference of Control of NOx Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Florida; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County Incorporation by Reference of Consumer Products Regulations
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; NOx Emission Trading Orders as Single Source SIP Revisions
NM031.401 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; New Source Review Preconstruction Permitting Program. 19 pages syv
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: San Joaquin Valley United Air Pollution Control District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County Incorporation by Reference of Consumer Products Regulations
NM029.35 Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, NM; Interstate Transport Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas. 11 pages syv
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County Incorporation by Reference of Control of NOx Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Best Available Retrofit Technology Requirements for Eastman Chemical Co.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Section 128 and 110a 2 E ii and G Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Correction
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley and South Coast; Attainment Plan for the 1997 8-hour Ozone Standards
NM031.030 Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas. 15 pages syt
Withdrawal of Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans and Findings of Failure To Submit Required Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; 1-Hour and 8-Hour Ozone Extreme Area Plan Elements
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Attainment Plan for the Philadelphia-Wilmington, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Deferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and other Biogenic Sources, etc.
Revision to the South Coast Portion of the California State Implementation Plan: CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB 1318 Tracking System
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana - Air Quality, Subchapter 7, Subchapter16 and Subchapter 17
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Idaho; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire;Reasonably Available Control Technology Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Reasonably Available Control Technology Update
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Attainment for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Final Approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Southeast Michigan (Detroit)
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Requirements for Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5); Correction
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Partial Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: Arizona; Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and Maricopa County Air Quality Department
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Motor Vehicle Inspectionand Maintenance Programs
Revisions to the State Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Partial Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
NM047.05 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Motor Vehicle Inspection. 3 pages sxx
Determinations of Attainment Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: California; Yuba City-Marysville Nonattainment Area for 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Washington DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area for Fine Particulate Matter
Determinations of Attainment Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: Arizona; Nogales Nonattainment Area for 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Attainment of the One-hour Ozone Standard for the Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester and Manchester Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Deferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and other Biogenic Sources Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Determinations of Attainment Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: California; Chico Nonattainment Area for 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Amendments to West Virginia's Ambient Air Quality Standards
Final Approval of the 2006 PM2.5 Infrastructure SIPs for IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI, and portions of the Indiana PM2.5 NSR Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Fredericksburg 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Amendments to West Virginia's Ambient Air Quality Standards
Determinations of Attainment Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: California; San Francisco Bay Area Nonattainment Area for 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Final Approval of the 2006 PM2.5 Infrastructure SIPs for IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI, and portions of the Indiana PM2.5 NSR Revisions
Proposed Approval of the Delaware County (Muncie), Indiana Ozone Maintenance Plan MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan Pesticide Element
Determinations of Attainment Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: California; Sacramento Nonattainment Area for 2006 Fine Particle Standard
TX118.26 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Antibacksliding of Major NSR SIP Requirements for the One-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS); Major Nonattainment NSR (NNSR) SIP Requirements for the 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone NAAQS; and Major NSR Reform Program. 7 pages sxr
Findings of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plans: Call for California State Implementation Plan Revision; South Coast
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
NM041.9001 Extension of Administrative Stay; Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determination. 4 pages sxp
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule, etc.
Partial Approvals and Partial Disapprovals of Air Quality State Implementation Plans: Nevada; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: United States Virgin Islands; Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Direct Final Approval of the Illinois; Greif Packaging, LLC Adjusted Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alaska; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Proposed Approval of the Illinois; Greif Packaging, LLC Adjusted Standard
Approvals of Clean Air Act Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permits: City of Palmdale, Palmdale Hybrid Power Project
Limited Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Clark County, NV; Stationary Source Permits
Determinations of Attainment of 1-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Sacramento Metro Nonattainment Area in California
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management Districts
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Disapproval of Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Portion of York County, South Carolina within Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, North Carolina-South Carolina 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Portion of York County, South Carolina within Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, North Carolina-South Carolina 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina Portion of the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval of Revisions to Jefferson County Portion of State Implementation Plan, etc.
NM044.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Revisions to the New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Permitting
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina Portion of the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan
NM036.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Nonattainment Area Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Partial Approvals and Partial Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina; Transport requirements for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Washington DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Infrastructure Requirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Infrastructure Requirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama; Attainment Plan for the Alabama Portion of the Chattanooga 1997 Annual PM2.5 Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Attainment Demonstration for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate Nonattainment Area
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: Nevada; Washoe County Air Quality District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Streamlining Amendments to the Plan Approval Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Vermont; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Proposed Approval of the South Bend Indiana MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for Washington DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of StateImplementation Plans: Oregon
Direct Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Proposed Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Area, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Requirements for Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determination of Attainment of 2006 24-hour Fine Particulate Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Charleston Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Huntington Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; 2002 Base Year Inventory for Parkersburg Area
Direct Final Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Proposed Approval of the Ohio PBR and PTIO rules
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter NAAQ Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Approval of Rocky Mount Supplemental Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan; Stationary Source Permits
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Approval of Rocky Mount Supplemental Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; General and Transportation Conformity and New Source Review Prevention of Significant for Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Washington County 2002 Base Year Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Revision for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Vehicle Refinishing
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Nogales PM10 Nonattainment Area Plan
Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Revisions to Open Burning Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Requirements, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control Technique Guidelines for Plastic Parts, Metal Furniture, Large Appliances, and Miscellaneous Metal Parts
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
California State Implementation Plan: San Diego County, Antelope Valley and Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Agencies; Revisions
California State Implementation Plan: San Diego County, Antelope Valley and Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Agencies; Revisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District; Revisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Disapprovals of Implementation Plan Revisions: State of California; South Coast VMT Emissions Offset Demonstrations
Findings of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plans: Call for California State Implementation Plan Revision; South Coast
TX140.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
NM034.16 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County: Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 and 2008 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM-2.5 NAAQS
Withdrawals of Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; 1-Hour and 8-Hour Ozone Extreme Area Plan Elements
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Montana; State Implementation Plan and Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: North Dakota; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Missouri; Maximum Allowable Emission of Particulate Matter from Fuel Burning Equipment Used for Indirect Heating
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Missouri; Maximum Allowable Emission of Particulate Matter from Fuel Burning Equipment Used for Indirect Heating
Final Approval of the Michigan PSD & NSR rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Amendments to Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to State Implementation Plan Approved by EPA through Letter Notice Actions
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Deferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and other Biogenic Sources under Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Permits for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications Locating in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Areas, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Washington; Determination of Clean Data for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard for the Tacoma, Pierce County Nonattainment Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, South Coast Air Quality Management District
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana AIM Rule
Proposed Approval of the Indiana AIM Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of the 2006 Fine Particle Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Preconstruction Requirements-Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Correction
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gases
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Tennessee, Bristol; Determination of Attaining Data for 2008 Lead Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Attainment Plan for Philadelphia-Wilmington, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of New York; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Federal Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, Best Available Retrofit Technology for Eastman Chemical Company
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans; BART Determination for Reid Gardner Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; The 2002 Base Year Inventory
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Attainment Demonstration for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Low Emission Vehicle Program
Revision to the South Coast Portion of the California State Implementation Plan: CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB 1318 Tracking System
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Limited Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Clark County; Stationary Source Permits
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Knoxville, TN; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Knoxville, TN; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans:Vermont; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Proposed Approval of the Regional Haze FIP for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
Proposed Approval of the Regional Haze FIP for Taconite Plants in Michigan and Minnesota
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Correction
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Mojave Desert, Northern Sierra, Sacramento Metropolitan and San Diego Air Pollution Agencies
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Determinations of Failure to Attain One-Hour Ozone Standard by 2007, etc.: 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standards for New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island Nonattainment Area; Correction
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Mojave Desert, Northern Sierra, Sacramento Metropolitan and San Diego Air Pollution Agencies
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone andthe 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter NAAQS
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Infrastructure Requirements for Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Final Approval of Wisconsin VOC RACT rules
Final Approval of the Forest County Potawatomi Wisconsin SIP revision
Final Approval of the Wisconsin Regional Haze SIP
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Attainment Demonstration for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Mississippi; 110(a)(2)(G) Infrastructure Requirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; General and Transportation Conformity, New Source Review Prevention of Significant Deterioration for Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Fredericksburg 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
Proposed actions on the Michigan Regional Haze plan: limited approval, limited disapproval and Federal Implementation Plan (FIP)
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Infrastructure Requirements for 24-hour Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Partial Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Idaho; Boise-Northern Ada County Air Quality Maintenance Area Second 10-Year Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Idaho; Boise-Northern Ada County Air Quality Maintenance Area Second 10-Year Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee Infrastructure Requirements for Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Proposed Approval of the 2006 PM2.5 Infrastructure SIPs for IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI, and portions of the Indiana PM2.5 NSR Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Preconstruction Requirements-Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review
Proposed Approval of the 2006 PM2.5 Infrastructure SIPs for IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI, and portions of the Indiana PM2.5 NSR Revisions
Determination of Attainment for the Paul Spur/Douglas PM10 Nonattainment Area: Arizona; Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Louisville; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Knoxville, TN; Determination of Attaining Data for Annual and 24-Hour Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter
Proposed Approval of the Detroit-Ann Arbor, Michigan PM 2.5 2005 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NM047.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County; Motor Vehicle Inspection. 3 pages s81
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Requirements for Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Georgia; Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; 2002 Base Year Inventory
Partial Approval and Disapproval of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; State Board Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Determination of Clean Data for the 1987 PM10 Standard for the Ogden Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter
Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Florida; Sections 128 and 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan: Washoe County Air Quality District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Florida; New Source Review; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Removal of Administrative Requirements for Control of Motor Vehicle Emissions in Northern Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Iron and Steel Production Installations; Sintering Plants
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Removal of Administrative Requirements for Control of Motor Vehicle Emissions in Northern Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Iron and Steel Production Installations; Sintering Plants
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Iron and Steel Production Installations; Sintering Plants
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Wyoming; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan for Regional Haze
Limited Approvals and Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Clark County; Stationary Source Permits
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 Annual and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; New Source Review-Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Fine Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing Regulations
Air Quality Implementation Plans: Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina; Clean Air Act Transport Requirements, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama; Disapproval of Infrastructure Requirement for 1997 Annual and 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; 2002 Base Year Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Attainment of the One-Hour Ozone Standard for the Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester and Manchester Areas
Proposed Approval of the Indiana 2011 Annual CFR Update
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana 2011 Annual CFR Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, etc.
NM041.9000 Stay of the Effectiveness of Requirements; Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determination. 3 pages s7g
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule, PM2.5
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control Technique Guidelines for Plastic Parts, Metal Furniture, Large Appliances, and Miscellaneous Metal Parts
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Step 3 and GHG Plantwide Applicability Limits; Final Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Revision for the Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Vehicle Refinishing
Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revisions to New Source Review Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Final Approval of the Illinois Regional Haze SIP
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Washington; Determination of Clean Data for 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard for Tacoma, Pierce County Nonattainment Area
Proposed Approvals of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Southeast Michigan (Detroit)
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards
LA025.22 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
California State Implementation Plan, South Coast Air Quality Management District; Withdrawal
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Final Approval of the Ohio Regional Haze SIP
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana Consumer Products Rule
Proposed Approval of the Indiana Consumer Products Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Alabama; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Nevada State Implementation Plan; Stationary Source Permits
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Missouri and Illinois; St. Louis Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Mississippi; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Nogales PM10 Nonattainment Area Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of North Carolina; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Partial Approval and Disapproval of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan: Department of Environmental Quality, Maricopa County Air Quality Department, and Pima County Department of Environmental Quality
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Iowa; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: United States Virgin Islands; Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Emissions Statements
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Revisions to UAC Rule 401-Permit: New and Modified Sources
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Emissions Statements
Final Approval of Indiana MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
TX118.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Antibacksliding of Major NSR SIP Requirements for the One-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS); Major Nonattainment NSR (NNSR) SIP Requirements for the 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone NAAQS; and Major NSR Reform Program. 17 pages s6k
TX125.04 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Determination of Failure to Attain 1-Hour Ozone Standard
Proposed Approval of the Michigan PSD & NSR rules
Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Utah; Revisions to Open Burning Regulations
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard for Western Massachusetts Nonattainment Area
Determination of Failure to Attain the One-Hour Ozone Standard by 2007, etc.: 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standards for the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island Nonattainment Area
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Maintenance Plan for 1-Hour Ozone Standard for Salt Lake and Davis Counties
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Revisions to Georgia State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Florida; New Source Review Prevention of Significant Deterioration: Nitrogen Oxides as a Precursor to Ozone
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Revisions to Georgia State Implementation Plan
Final Disapproval of Wisconsin Infrastructure SIP with respect to Oxides of Nitrogen as a Precursor to Ozone Provisions and New Source Review Exemptions for Fuel Changes, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NM031.001 Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas. 41 pages s6f
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Tennessee: Bristol; Determination of Attainment for the 2008 Lead Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
NM011.02 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Minor New Source Review Preconstruction Permitting Rule for Cotton Gins
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Update to Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Program; Change in the Definition of Gasoline to Exclude E85
Final Approval of the Minnesota Regional Haze SIP
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Permit to Construct Exemptions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Permit to Construct Exemptions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter
Final Approval of the Indiana Regional Haze SIP
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Nonattainment Area Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revision to Allegheny County Regulations for Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 Annual and 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Final Approval of Illinois Consumer Products and AIM Rules
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Tennessee; Knoxville; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter Standards, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval of Revisions to Jefferson County Portion of Kentucky SIP; New Source Review, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Wyoming; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan for Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Oregon
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of the Illinois Small Container Exemption
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Determination of Attainment of One-Hour and 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standards for Eastern Massachusetts
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Determination of Attainment of One-Hour and 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standards for Eastern Massachusetts
Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements: Arizona; Determination of Attainment for the Paul Spur/Douglas PM10 Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Florida; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Louisville; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
California State Implementation Plan: Revision to the South Coast Air Quality Management District South Coast Rule 1315
Proposed Approval of Ohio VOC RACT Phase 3 submittal
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque-Bernalillo County; Fees for Permits and Administrative Actions
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: State of Wyoming; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
NM020.09 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque-Bernalillo County; Fees for Permits and Administrative Actions
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Washington; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Extension of the Comment Period for the Proposed Approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Milwaukee-Racine, Wisconsin
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Idaho; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maine; Reasonably Available Control Technology for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Vermont; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Baltimore Nonattainment Area Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Portion of York County, SC Within Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Portion of York County, SC within Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Montana; State Implementation Plan and Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan; Corrections
Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Utah; Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard for Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendments to Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Permit to Construct Exemptions
Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Permit to Construct Exemptions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Nonattainment New Source Review Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Ohio; Determination of Clean Data for 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard, Steubenville-Weirton Area
Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan: Hawaii; Public Hearing
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Kentucky; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Correction
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New York; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Federal Implementation Plan; Data Availability
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Charlotte; Ozone 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District; Eastern Kern and Santa Barbara Co. Air Pollution Control Districts
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Charlotte; Ozone 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District; Eastern Kern and Santa Barbara Co., Air Pollution Control Districts
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Approval of 2011 Consent Decree to Control Emissions from the GenOn Chalk Point Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Approval of 2011 Consent Decree to Control Emissions from GenOn Chalk Point Generating Station
Revisions to Final Response to Petition from New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions from the Portland Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Removal of the 1980 Consent Order for the Maryland Slag Company
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Removal of the 1980 Consent Order for the Maryland Slag Company
Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans: Nevada; BART Determination for Reid Gardner Generating Station
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Missouri and Illinois; St. Louis; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Determination of Attainment of One-hour Ozone Standard for Springfield Area
Revisions to Hawaii State Implementation Plan
Revisions to Hawaii State Implementation Plan
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Interim Final Determination to Stay and Defer Sanctions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Removal of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. Permit from State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Removal of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. Permit from State Implementation Plan
NM029.01 Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, NM; Interstate Transport Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze Rule Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas. 25 pages s4r
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of New York; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Federal Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Revisions to California State Implementation Plan Pesticide Element
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Approval of Substitution for Transportation Control Measures
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Annual Emissions Reporting
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Annual Emissions Reporting
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Atlanta, Georgia; Ozone 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Proposed Approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Milwaukee-Racine, Wisconsin
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Atlanta, Georgia; Ozone 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maine; Regional Haze
Revision to the Hawaii State Implementation Plan, Minor New Source Review Program
Revisions to the Hawaii State Implementation Plan
Direct Final Approval of the Illinois Crownline Adjusted Standard
Proposed Approval of the Illinois Crownline Adjusted Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Removal of State Low-Reid Vapor Pressure Requirement for the Birmingham Area
Proposed Disapproval of Wisconsin Infrastructure SIP with respect to Oxides of Nitrogen as a Precursor to Ozone Provisions and New Source Review Exemptions for Fuel Changes, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Montana; State Implementation Plan and Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan
Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans: Nevada; BART Determination for Reid Gardner Generating Station
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Northern Sierra and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of One-hour Ozone Standard for Greater Connecticut Area; Correction
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Northern Sierra and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management Districts
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Deferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and other Biogenic Sources Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan: Pinal County Air Quality Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: North Dakota; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Proposed Approval the Illinois Small Container Exemption
Direct Final Approval of the Illinois Small Container Exemption
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Missouri; Prevention of Significant Deterioration;Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule; New Source Review Reform
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Regional Haze; Reopening of Comment Period
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendments to the Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions, etc.
NM034.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque-Bernalillo County; Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for 1997 and 2008 Ozone and 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Nevada; Regional Haze State and Federal Implementation Plans; BART Determination for Reid Gardner Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Streamlining Amendments to Plan Approval Regulations
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, etc.
Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Attainment Plan for Kentucky Portion of Huntington-Ashland 1997 Annual PM2.5 Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arizona; 1997 8-hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revisions to New Source Review Rules
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Maintenance Plan for 1-Hour Ozone Standard for Salt Lake and Davis Counties
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Procedural Rules; Conflicts of Interest
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; New Source Review Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Nitrogen Oxides as Precursor to Ozone
Proposed Approval of the Forest County Potawatomi Wisconsin SIP revision
Proposed Approval of Indiana MOBILE to MOVES MVEB Replacement Update
Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nebraska; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementations Plans: California Air Resources Board - In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Truck and Bus Regulation, and Drayage Truck Regulation
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Clean Data for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Nonattainment New Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
NM009.302 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Construction Permit Fees. 2 pages s3v
NM009.301 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Construction Permit Fees. 7 pages s3v
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Colorado; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Nevada; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 8-Hour Ozone, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Regional Haze
Final Approval of the Illinois VOC RACT rules
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alaska; InfrastructureRequirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Preconstruction Requirements-Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of One-hour Ozone Standard
Revisions to Final Response to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions From the Portland Generating Station; Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Jersey; Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maine; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard for Eastern Massachusetts Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Nevada; Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determinations, etc. - Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
AR006.801 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arkansas; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan to Address Pollution Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze. 74 pages
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New York State Ozone Implementation Plan Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Atlanta, GA; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans, etc.: North Carolina and South Carolina; Charlotte; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Date for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Partial Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Washington; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Removal of State Low-Reid Vapor Pressure Requirement for Birmingham Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Macon, Georgia; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Macon, Georgia; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nebraska; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Feather River Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Mojave Desert Quality
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gases-Automatic Rescission Provisions
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast; Attainment Plan for 1997 8-hour Ozone Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; Attainment Plan for 1997 8-hour Ozone Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Atlanta, Georgia; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Atlanta, Georgia; Fine Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana Lead (Pb) NAAQS
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gases-Automatic Rescission Provisions
Proposed Approval of the Indiana Lead (Pb) NAAQS
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Mojave Desert Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New York; Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Missouri; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Mississippi; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Vermont; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Proposed Approval of the Wisconsin Regional Haze SIP
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Iowa Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; Determinations of Attainment, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District and Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Ohio NSR Reform Rule; Denial of Petition for Reconsideration and Request for Administrative Stay
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
LA025.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan. 20 pages
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Regional Haze
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Georgia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Alaska; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia Ambient Air Quality Standards
Proposed Approval of Wisconsin VOC RACT rules
California State Implementation Plans: South Coast Rule 1315; Air Quality Management District; Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Missouri
Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana - Air Quality
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: California Air Resources Board - Consumer Products
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Preconstruction Permitting Requirements for Electric Generating Stations in Maryland
AR004.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Arkansas; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. 17 pages s29
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans; Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee: Chattanooga; Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans; Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee: Chattanooga; Particulate Matter 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review Rules; Nitrogen Oxides as a Precursor to Ozone
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Amendments to Virginia's Regulation Regarding the Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Missouri and Illinois; St. Louis; Determination of Attainment, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendments to the Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
TX125.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Determination of Failure to Attain the One-Hour Ozone Standard
Proposed Approval of the Indiana Regional Haze SIP
OK009.12 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Consumer and Commercial Products
Proposed Approval of the Illinois Regional Haze SIP
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Virginia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Maintenance Plan for Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point 1-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Virginia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Proposed Approval of the Ohio Regional Haze SIP
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Maintenance Plan for Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point 1-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
Proposed Approval of the Minnesota Regional Haze SIP
Determinations: New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island Nonattainment Area in Connecticut, et al.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Clean Vehicles Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Determination of Attainment of One-Hour Ozone Standard for Springfield (Western Massachusetts) Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Attainment Determination for Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; the Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Missouri; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard for Western Massachusetts Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Attainment Determination for Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Clean Data for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Nonattainment New Source Review Rules
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Smoke, Opacity and Sulfur Dioxide Rule Revisions; Regulation 1
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Imperial Valley Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Determination of Attainment of the One-Hour Ozone Standard
EPA's Proposed Approval of SJV Rules 4570 and 4565, 76 FR 56706, September 14, 2011
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Colorado; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
TX082.41 Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS: NOTE: Error in this Federal Register -- "52.270" should be "52.2270".
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Alaska
Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval of Air QualityImplementation Plans: San Joaquin Valley, CA; Reasonably Available Control Technology for Ozone
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions for the 1997 PM2.5 and 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS, etc
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Procedural Rules, Conflicts of Interest
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Failure to Attain the One-Hour Ozone Standard
Amendments to Delegation of Authority Provisions in the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
OK006.33 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Interstate Transport of Pollution. 3 pages rzv
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: North Carolina and South Carolina; Charlotte; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
NM043.05 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions. 3 pages rzv
OK011.9000 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations. 32 pages rzu
TX082.28 Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas: Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. 23 pages rzu
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Kansas; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Oregon; New Source Review, Prevention of Significant Deterioration Rule Revisions, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets, etc.; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Revisions to Final Response to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions From the Portland Generating Station; Proposed Rule
Revisions to Final Response to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions From the Portland Generating Station; Direct Final Rule
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Missouri and Illinois; St. Louis Nonattainment Area, etc.
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Oregon
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Visibility Impairment Prevention for Federal Class I Areas; Removal of Federally Promulgated Provisions
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Visibility Impairment Prevention for Federal Class I Areas; Removal of Federally Promulgated Provisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Kentucky; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia; Atlanta; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Determination of Attainment of the One-Hour Ozone Standard
(Withdrawal of Proposed Rule) Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment, etc.; Withdrawal
(Withdrawal of Proposed Rule) Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment, etc.; Withdrawal
(Withdrawal of Proposed Rule) Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment, etc.; Withdrawal
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; General Conformity Requirements for Federal Agencies Applicable to Federal Actions
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York State Ozone Implementation Plan Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; General Conformity Requirements for Federal Agencies Applicable to Federal Actions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment, etc.; Withdrawal
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; South Dakota: Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
TX031.380 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review State Implementation Plan; General Definitions; Definition of Modification of Existing Facility. 2 pages rz8
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia; Atlanta; Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Determinations To Defer Sanctions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District; New Source Review
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; Feather River Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: Placer County Air Pollution Control District
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review Rules, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia and Ohio; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particle Standard for the Parkersburg-Marietta and Wheeling Nonattainment Areas
LA032.05 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Revisions to Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions for Surface Coatings and Graphic Arts. 4 pages rz2
Proposed Approval of the Illinois VOC RACT rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Negative Declarations for Groups I, II, III and IV Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Negative Declarations for Groups I, II, III and IV Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approval and Promulgation ofAir Quality Implementation Plans Maine; Regional Haze
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Negative Declarations for Groups I, II, III and IV Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Negative Declarations for Groups I, II, III and IV Control Techniques Guidelines and Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware: Amendments to the Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Baltimore Nonattainment Area Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Determinations of Attainment of One-Hour Ozone Standard
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plans: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District; Revisions
California State Implementation Plans: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District; Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Determination of Clean Data for 2006 Fine Particulate Standard for Charleston Area
TX031.379 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review State Implementation Plan; Definition of Modification of Existing Facility. 8 pages ryh
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
AR006.606 State Implementation and Interstate Transport State Implementation Plans: Proposed Arkansas Regional Haze Plan to Address Pollution Affecting Visibility: Extension of Comment Period to December 22, 2011. NOTE: Please submit comments on the proposed rule in document EPA-R06-OAR-2008-0727-0001
OK009.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. 13 pages ryg
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC and SC; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
TX114.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review State Implementation Plan; Permit Renewals. 8 pages rye
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Reasonably Available Control Technology for Oxides of Nitrogen for a Specific Source in New Jersey
Approvals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast; Attainment Plan for 1997 PM2.5 Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; 2008 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Plan and 2007 State Strategy
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Utah; Smoke Management Requirements for Mandatory Class I Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Air QualityImplementation Plans: Virginia; Consumer and Commercial Products
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revision to Nitrogen Oxides Budget Trading Program
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revision to Nitrogen Oxides Budget Trading Program
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of the Liberty-Clairton Nonattainment Area 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Final Response to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions From the Portland Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia; Attainment of the 1997 Fine Particle Standard, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Revisions to the Air Pollution Control Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles Program
NM020.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County; Fees for Permits and Administrative Actions. 9 pages ry4
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Attainment Plan for the Pennsylvania Portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District and Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Iowa; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Missouri; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule; New Source Review Reform
Proposed Approval of Illinois Consumer Products and AIM Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Missouri; Reasonably Available Control Technology for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Proposed Approval of the Cincinnati, Ohio 1997 PM2.5 Annual Standard redesignation
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Proposed Approval of the Cincinnati, Ohio 1997 PM2.5 Annual Standard redesignation
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Drum and Pail Coatings
AR006.001 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Arkansas; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan To Address Pollution Affecting Visibility and Regional Haze. 36 pages rxh. NOTE: November 16, 2011 (76 FR 70952), Comment period extended to December 22, 2011.
OK006.25 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Interstate Transport of Pollution
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Plastic Parts and Business Machines Coatings
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Amendments to Regulations Regarding Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Proposed Approval of Indiana Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Surface Coating Rules
Direct Final Approval of Indiana Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Surface Coating Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Virginia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Determination of Attainment, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: California Air Resources Board, Consumer Products
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Ohio; Determination of Clean Data for 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard for Steubenville-Weirton Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, and Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Arizona; Update to Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Program; Change in Definition of Gasoline To Exclude E85
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, and Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: State of Colorado Regulation Number 3; Revisions to the Air Pollutant Emission Notice Requirements and Exemptions
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, etc.; Correction
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Municipal Air Quality Management District, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Cincinnati-Hamilton Nonattainment Area; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Municipal Air Quality Management District, etc.
Final Approval of the Indiana PSD Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule
Proposed Approval of Central Indiana (Indianapolis) PM 2.5 Redesignation and Maintenance Plan
Interim Final Determination to Stay and Defer Sanctions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, 76 FR 59254, September 26, 2011
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules - Air Quality, Exclusion for De Minimis Changes
NM043.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County; Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions. 5 pages r9s
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Clean Smokestacks Act
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration Rule Revisions and Air Quality Permit Streamlining Rule Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendments to Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Adhesives and Sealants
TX082.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Requirements for the 1997 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM-2.5 NAAQS. 19 pages r9m
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; Requirements for Preconstruction Review, Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory, Reasonable Further Progress Plan, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans:Pennsylvania; Control of Particulate Matter Emissions from the Operation of Outdoor Wood-Fired Boilers
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Material Inspection and Receiving Report
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York; Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Programs
Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; South Coast; Attainment Plan for 1997 8-hour Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Jersey; Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; Attainment Plan for1997 8-hour Ozone Standard
TX120.11 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification--Withdrawal of direct final rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Determinations of Failure to Attain the One-Hour Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Atlanta, GA; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Ohio PM 2.5 Clean Data Findings Final approval
Stays and Deferments of Sanctions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Stays and Deferments of Sanctions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Partial Approvals and Partial Disapprovals of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley; Reasonably Available Control Technology for Ozone
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans; Georgia: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule and Fine Particulate Matter Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia; Rome; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia; Chattanooga and Macon; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Findings of Failure to Submit a Complete State Implementation Plan for Section 110(a) Pertaining to the 2006 Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) NAAQS
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Kentucky and Indiana; Louisville; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Kentucky; Ohio; Huntington-Ashland Nonattainment Area; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Alaska
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Permits for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications Locating in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Areas
State Implementation Plan Revisions: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Withdrawal
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Infrastructure State Implementation Plan Requirement to Address Interstate Transport for 2006 24-Hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans Pennsylvania; Adhesives and Sealants
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance and Metal Furniture Coatings
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance and Metal Furniture Coatings
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Kansas Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to Clean Air Interstate Rule Emissions Trading Program
NM041.8000 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility. 53 pages r8m
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adhesives and Sealants Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revised Definitions; Construction Permit Program Fee Increases; Regulation 3
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Plastic Parts and Business Machines Coating Standards
Final Approval of Ohio VOC rule 3745-21-07 revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Determination of Clean Data for 2006 Fine Particulate Standard for Charleston Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York Reasonable Further Progress Plans, Emissions Inventories, Contingency Measures and Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Drum and Pail Coating Standards
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of New Jersey; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Iowa: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Proposed Approval of the Minnesota Rules Update
Direct Final Approval of the Minnesota Rules Update
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review Rules
Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Smoke, Opacity and Sulfur Dioxide Rule Revisions; Regulation 1
Proposed Rule Approving Ohio’s NOx RACT rules
Limited Federal Implementation Plan; Prevention of Significant Deterioration: California; North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Interference With Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirement
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: State of Colorado; Attainment Demonstration for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard and Approval of Related Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Revision to State Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Reasonably Available Control Technology for Oxides of Nitrogen for Specific Source in State of New Jersey
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Preconstruction Permitting Requirements for Electric Generating Stations
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revision to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicle Idling Act
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicle Idling Act
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Fine Particle Standard for Harrisburg, etc., Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Fine Particle Standard, Harrisburg, etc. Areas
Deferment of Sanctions: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to State Implementation Plans: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
California State Implementation Plans: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Feather River Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plans: Northern Sierra, Sacramento Metropolitan, and South Coast Air Quality Management Districts
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Limited Reopening of Comment Period
California State Implementation Plans: Northern Sierra, Sacramento Metropolitan, and South Coast Air Quality Management Districts
TX120.02 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification. 1 page r7r
Approvals and Disapprovals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Wyoming; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
TX120.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification. 6 pages r7r
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Utah; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: South Dakota; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Montana; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Plans: Missouri
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Plans: Missouri
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia and Ohio; Parkersburg-Marietta, etc.; Determinations of Attainment of 1997 Annual Fine Particle Standard
NM042.05 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions. 5 pages r7k
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Final Disapproval of the Interstate Transport portion of the Indiana and Ohio 2006 Infrastructure SIPs
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Missouri; Final Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision
Finding of Failure to Submit Section 110 State Implementation Plans for Interstate Transport for the 2006 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Fine Particulate Matter
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Georgia; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality ImplementationPlans: North Carolina; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Interstate Transport
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kansas; Final Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Jersey and New York; Final Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision
LA026.15 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards. 9 pages r7j
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Portland Cement Kilns
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Vermont; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Vermont; Reasonably Available Control Technology for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
TX031.375 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review State Implementation Plan; General Definitions; Definition of Modification of Existing Facility. 5 pages r7i
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Control of Particulate Matter Emissions from Operation of Outdoor Wood-Fired Boilers
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Determination of Attainment and Clean Data for Annual 1997 Fine Particle Standard for Charleston Area
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
NM033.14 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals, Disapprovals, and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Utah; Revisions to New Source Review Rules
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; 2007 South Coast PM2.5 Plan and 2007 State Strategy
Findings of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plans: Call for Iowa State Implementation Plan Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; 2008 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Plan and 2007 State Strategy
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Final Approval of Ohio Reinforced Plastic Composites Rule
Final Approval of the 1997 110(a) Infrastructure SIPs for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementations Plans: California Air Resources Board - In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Truck and Bus Regulation, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kansas
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Nebraska
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Proposed Approval of Indiana PSD and Emission Offset Rules
Correction to Final Approval of Ohio Low RVP Fuel Requirements
Determination of Attainment for Lake & Porter Counties; Correction
Direct Final Approval of Indiana PSD and Emission Offset Rules
Approvals and Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana - Air Quality
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
LA030.18 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Determination of Termination of Section 185 Fees
State Implementation Plans; Revisions: California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollutions Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Infrastructure SIP for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Kern County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Kern County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Interstate Transport Plan
LA021.18 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plans: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory, Reasonable Further Progress Plan, etc.
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Birmingham, AL; Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Direct Final Approval of Illinois Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. Adjusted Standard
Proposed Approval of Illinois Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. Adjusted Standard
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia; Atlanta; Determination of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of Revised Nitrogen Dioxide Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Clean Smokestacks Act
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Interstate Transport Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of Revised Nitrogen Dioxide Standard
Proposed Approval of the Indiana PSD Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Kentucky and Indiana; Louisville; Determination of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Regional Haze and Interstate Transport
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Interstate Transport
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revisions to Requirements for Major Sources Locating in or Impacting a Nonattainment Area in Allegheny County
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revisions to Requirements for Major Sources Locating in or Impacting a Nonattainment Area in Allegheny County
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Glass Melting Furnaces
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Significant Contribution to Nonattainment and Interference with Maintenance Requirements
Approval and Promulgation of Determination of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard: States of Missouri and Illinois
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revision to Inspection and Maintenance Program-Quality Assurance Protocol, etc.
TX114.01 Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review; Permit Renewals
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revision to Inspection and Maintenance Program-Quality Assurance Protocol, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana; Cincinnati-Hamilton Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Rome, Georgia; Attainment for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Macon, GA; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flat Wood Paneling Surface Coating Processes
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans, etc.: Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee; Attainment for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee: Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard for Chattanooga Area
Approval and Promulgation ofAir Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determination of Attainment for the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Interference with Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirement
State Implementation Plans: California, Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District; Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revised Definitions; Construction Permit Program Fee Increases; Regulation 3
State Implementation Plans: California South Coast Air Quality Management District; Revisions
Response to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions From the Portland Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to Clean Air Interstate Rule Emissions Trading Program
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
Final Approval of PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Saint Louis
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Wyoming; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Utah; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Permits for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications Locating in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Paper, Film, and Foil Surface Coating Processes
State Implementation Plans: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District, California; Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Portland Cement Kilns
State Implementation Plans: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District, California; Revisions
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: Placer County Air Pollution Control District and Feather River Air Quality Management District
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions Montana; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Determination of Termination of Section 185 Fees
Interim Final Determination to Defer Sanctions: Sacramento Metro 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area, California
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Colorado; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Implementation of the New Source Review (NSR) Program for Particulate Matter Less Than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5); Final Rule To Repeal Grandfather Provision
NM022.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Sunland Park Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
NM022.02 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Sunland Park 1-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan: NOTE: Regulations.gov docket ID in heading should be EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0502
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana 2009 Annual CFR Update and VOC definition exclusions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Delaware; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan for Lowell
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance Coatings
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance Coatings
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: South Dakota, Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: California Air Resources Board; Consumer Products
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Kentucky; Ohio; Huntington-Ashland Nonattainment Area; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Requirements for Preconstruction Review, Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District and Mendocino County Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District and Mendocino County Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Dakota; Revisions to the Air Pollution Control Rules
Proposed Approval of Illinois Exemptions from Definition of VOM
Determinations Concerning Need for Error Correction, Partial Approval and Partial Disapprival, and Federal Implementation Plan Regarding Texas's Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Final Approval of the Clark and Floyd Counties Indiana I/M Shutdown Request
Proposed Approval of 1997 110(a) Infrastructure SIPs for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin
Direct Final Approval of Illinois Exemptions from Definition of VOM
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of the Revised Lead Standards and Related Reference Conditions and Update of Appendices
South Coast Portion of the California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB 1318 Tracking System
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: State of Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Nevada; PM-10; Determinations Regarding Attainment for Truckee Meadows Nonattainment Area
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions for 1997 PM2.5 and 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Washington; Extension of Comment Period
Finding of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plan: Call for Utah State Implementation Plan Revision
LA026.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Direct Final Approval of Indiana Stage I Vapor Recovery Rule
Proposed Approval of Indiana PM/SO2 SIP revision for Cargill
Proposed Approval of Indiana Stage I Vapor Recovery Rule
NM042.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions
Direct Final Approval of Indiana of Indiana PM/SO2 SIP revision for Cargill
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plans for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards, etc.
TX119.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision for the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Proposed Approval of Ohio VOC rule 3745-21-07 revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC and SC; Determination of Attainment for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Florida; Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Alabama, Birmingham; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
TX019.14 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; System Cap Trading Program; Withdrawal
Response to Petition from New Jersey Regarding SO2 Emissions from the Portland Generating Station
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Oregon; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Significant Contribution to Nonattainment and Interference with Maintenance Requirements
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Final Disapproval of Revisions to the Visible Emissions Rule
Final Approval of Ohio Lithographic and Letterpress Printing rule revision, 3745-21-22
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Rome, GA; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York Reasonable Further Progress Plans, Emissions Inventories, Contingency Measures and Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Nebraska
OK011.0001b 0020 Public Hearings for Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Oklahoma; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations. 2 pages
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kansas
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nevada; Determination of Attainment for the Clark County 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nevada; Determination of Attainment for the Clark County 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
LA030.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Determination of Termination of Section 185 Fees
California State Implementation Plan; Revisions: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia: Atlanta; Determination of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation: Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for the 1997 Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation: Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for the 1997 Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation: Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for the 1997 Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Washington; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation: Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire and Rhode Island; Infrastructure SIPs for the 1997 Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Nebraska; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: AL, GA, and TN; Chattanooga; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Georgia; Macon; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
OK011.0001a Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Oklahoma; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations. 30 pages
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Missouri; Proposed Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kansas; Proposed Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of the Revised Lead Standards and Related Reference Conditions, etc.; Withdrawal
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Significant Contribution to Nonattainment and Interference with Maintenance Requirements
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
LA032.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Revisions to Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions for Surface Coatings, and Graphic Arts. 5 pages r3h
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Attainment Plan for Libby, MT PM2.5 Nonattainment Area and PM10 State Implementation Plan Revisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina; Infrastructure Requirements for 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of California; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Interstate Transport Plan; etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: South Carolina, Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flat Wood Paneling Surface Coating Processes
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to Open Burning Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to Open Burning Regulations
Final approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Louisville
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Kern County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
NM041.001c Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determination -- Extends comment period to April 4, 2011
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County, Kern County, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control Districts
Proposed Approval of PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Saint Louis
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Paper, Film, etc.
Updating Cross-References for the Oklahoma State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Technical Amendment to Ohio New Source Set Aside Allowances
Final Approval of 8-hour Ozone Determination of Attainment for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan Wisconsin Areas
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Nevada; PM-10; Determinations Regarding Attainment for Truckee Meadows Nonattainment Area, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Determination of Attainment for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard: States of Missouri and Illinois
LA021.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: State of Louisiana. 10 pages r2r
TX095.06 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions To Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer Related Sources
TX094.05 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions To Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer Related Sources
Final Approval of the Illinois NOx RACT Waiver Request
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Amendment to the Definition of Fuel-Burning Equipment
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Amendment to the Definition of Fuel-Burning Equipment
Finding of Substantial Inadequacy: Call for Iowa State Implementation Plan Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kansas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring, Revision; Withdrawal
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Massachusetts; Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan for Lowell
Finding of Failure to Submit State Implementation Plan Revisions for Particulate Matter: Maricopa County PM-10 Nonattainment Area, Arizona
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions, etc., for the Interference with Visibility Requirement
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia, Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compound
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia, Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compound
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alaska: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania Portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City 1997 8-Hour Moderate Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Determination of Attainment for the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Disapprovals and Promulgations: Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana; Public Comment Extension
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revision to Definitions, Construction Permit Program, Regulation 3
Proposed Disapproval of the Interstate Transport portion of the Indiana and Ohio 2006 Infrastructure SIPs
Removal of Limitation of Approval of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Provisions: Greenhouse Gas Emitting-Sources in State Implementation Plans, Mississippi
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District et al.
Removal of Limitation of Approval of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Provisions: GreenhouseGas Emitting-Sources in State Implementation Plans, Alabama
Final Approval of Wisconsin PM 2.5 Standards
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control Districtet al.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Approval of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards for Nashville Area
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of 8-hour Ozone Determination of Attainment for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan Wisconsin Areas
Proposed Approval of Ohio Reinforced Plastic Composites Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standard
Approvals and Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revisions to Regulation 1
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flat Wood Paneling Coatings
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Georgia; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Jersey and New York; Disapproval of Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan Revision for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama; Disapproval of Interstate Transport Submission for 2006 24-hour PM2.5 Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flat Wood Paneling Coatings
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of the Revised Lead Standards and Related Reference Conditions, and Update of Appendices
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of the Revised Lead Standards and Related Reference Conditions, and Update of Appendices
Determinations Concerning Need for Error Corrections, Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval, and Federal Implementation Plan Regarding Texas Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program; Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Colorado Regulation Number 3; Revisions to the Air Pollutant Emission Notice Requirements and Exemptions
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revision to Definitions; Common Provisions Regulation
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Amendments to Existing Regulation Provisions
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of 8-hour Ozone Standard and Related Reference Conditions, and Update of Appendices
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Adoption of 8-hour Ozone Standard and Related Reference Conditions, and Update of Appendices
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Infrastructure State Implementation Plan Requirement to Address Interstate Transport for 2006 24-Hour PM2.5 NAAQS
Action to Ensure Authority to Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Finding of Failure to Submit State Implementation Plan Revision Required of Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District for Jefferson County, KY
Action to Ensure Authority to Issue Permits under Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal Implementation Plan for Jefferson County, KY
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Nitrogen Oxides as a Precursor to Ozone; Correction
Revision to South Coast Portion of California State Implementation Plan: CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB 1318 Tracking System
Direct Final approval of Minnesota Lead SIP revision for Gopher Resource, LLC
Proposed approval of Minnesota Lead SIP revision for Gopher Resource, LLC
Proposed Approval of the Clark and Floyd Counties Indiana I/M Shutdown Request
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
TX037.29 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Rules and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution; Permitting of Grandfathered and Electing Electric Generating Facilities
NM041.001b Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determination
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Idaho; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan and Interstate Transport Plan
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality State Implementation Plans: Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana; Air Quality, Subchapter 7, etc.
State Implementation Plans: Kansas Section 110; Finding of Substantial Inadequacy
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho
NM041.001a Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Federal Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport of Pollution Affecting Visibility and Best Available Retrofit Technology Determination -- Comment period extended to April 4, 2011
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
TX018.27 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances Program
Determinations Concerning Need for Error Correction, Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval, and Federal Implementation Plan Regarding Texas Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program
Action to Ensure Authority to Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal Implementation Plan
Determinations Concerning Need for Error Correction, Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval, and Federal Implementation Plan Regarding Texas Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program; Proposed Rule
Limitation of Approval of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Provisions Concerning Greenhouse Gas Emitting-Sources in State Implementation Plans; Final Rule
Proposed Approval of Ohio Lithographic and Letterpress Printing rule revision, 3745-21-22
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring; Revision
Action to Ensure Authority to Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions:Finding of Failure To Submit State Implementation Plan Revisions Required for Greenhouse Gases
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring; Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring; Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County's Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance and Metal Furniture, etc.
TX018.25 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances Program; Withdrawal
Direct Final Approval of Marathon Petroleum Minnesota SO2 revision
Proposed Approval of Marathon Petroleum Minnesota SO2 revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Amendments to Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County's Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Large Appliance and Metal Furniture, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nebraska: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Jersey; 8-hour Ozone Control Measures
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Prevention of Significant Deterioration Rules; Nitrogen Oxides as Precursor to Ozone
Finding of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plan: Call for Utah State Implementation Plan Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution, etc.
Attainment Demonstrations for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard and Related Revisions: Denver Metro Area/North Front Range, CO
Proposed Approval of Minnesota MCES-MWWTP PM10 SIP revision
Direct Final Approval of Minnesota MCES-MWWTP PM10 SIP revision
Proposed Approval of the 8-hour Ozone Determination of Attainment for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan Wisconsin Areas
Revisions to Arizona State Implementation Plan: Maricopa County
Direct Final Approval of 8-hour Ozone Determination of Attainment for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan Wisconsin Areas
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Limiting Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Portable Fuel Containers
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Limiting Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Portable Fuel Containers
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Rome, GA; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Standards
Action to Ensure Authority To Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Finding of Substantial Inadequacy and SIP Call
Proposed Approval of the Illinois NOx RACT Waiver Request
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard; Correction
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alaska; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard; Correction
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Stage II Vapor Recovery
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Stage II Vapor Recovery
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: California; 2008 San Joaquin Valley StateImplementation Plan for Fine Particulate Matter, etc.
Proposed Approval of Revisions to the Cincinnati-Hamilton 1997 8-hr Ozone Maintenance Plan
Final Disapproval of the Indiana Environmental Stewardship Program
Direct Final Approval of Revisions to the Cincinnati-Hamilton 1997 8-hr Ozone Maintenance Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule and Fine Particulate Matter Revision
Determinations of Attainment by Applicable Attainment Date: Hayden, Nogales, Paul Spur/Douglas PM10 Nonattainment Areas, Arizona; Withdrawal
Proposed Approval of Indiana CAIR Amendments
Direct Final Approval of Indiana CAIR Amendments
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations; Withdrawal
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho State Implementation Plan
OK006.20 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Oklahoma; State Implementation Plan Revisions for Interstate Transport of Pollution, Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Nonattainment New Source Review, Source Registration and Emissions Reporting and Rules of Practice and Procedure. 11 pages nys
NM035.21 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution. 8 pages nys
Federal Register Action. Final Rule. Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution SIP Revisions for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS. Interference with Maintenance Requirement.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review Rules
Federal Register Action. Final Rule. North Dakota: Interstate Transport of Pollution SIP for the 1997 PM2.5 and 8-hour Ozone NAAQS. Interference with Maintenance Requirement.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: California; 2007 South Coast State Implementation Plan for 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standards, etc.
Finding of Substantial Inadequacy of Implementation Plans: Utah
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kansas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
TX019.10 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; System Cap Trading Program. 4 pages nyi
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality and NonattainmentNew Source Review
Extension of Deadline for Action on the Second Section 126 Petition From New Jersey
TX018.22 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances Program
Adequacy Status of Submitted 2009 PM2.5 Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity Purposes: New York Portions of New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT PM2.5 Nonattainment Area; New York
TX018.23 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances Program
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: California Air Resources Board; Consumer Products
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Fine Particle Standard
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
TX044.50 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Excess Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, Maintenance, and Malfunction Activities. 14 pages ny9
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revision to Definitions; Construction Permit Program; Regulation Three
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, NM, Interstate Transportation of Pollution
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority and Tailoring Rule Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory, Reasonable Further Progress Plan, etc.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: North Carolina; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi: Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revision
TX056.40 Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Chapters 39, 55, and 116 Which Relate to Public Participation on Permits for New and Modified Sources; Withdrawal of Proposed Rule. 4 pages ny5
Final Approval of Illinois' Site-Specific VOC SIP Revision for Abbott Laboratories
Direct Final Approval of Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards
Proposed Approval of Ohio Revisions to PM Standards
Direct Final Approval of Ohio Revisions to PM Standards
Proposed Approval of Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards
Final Disapproval of the Illinois Subpart X: Voluntary NOx Emissions Reduction Program
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Limiting Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Consumer Products
Final Approval of the Wisconsin NOx RACT Rules (NR 428)
TX037.17 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Rules and Regulations for Controlof Air Pollution; Permitting of Grandfathered and Electing Electric Generating Facilities. 7 pages nxj
Final Approval of the Wisconsin NOx RACT Rules (NR 428)
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Amendment to Consumer Products and Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Maricopa County (Phoenix) PM-10 Nonattainment Area; Serious Area Plan for Attainment of the 24-Hour PM-10 Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Tennessee; Knoxville; Determination of Attaining Data for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards
Completeness Determinations: Stopping Sanctions Clock; Atlanta, GA
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards for Nashville, TN, Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Mississippi; Prevention of Significant Deterioration Rules; Nitrogen Oxide as a Precursor to Ozone
Direct Final Conversion of Conditional Approval to Approval of Revision to Michigan PSD Regulations
Proposed Conversion of Conditional Approval to Approval of Revision to Michigan PSD Regulations
California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District; Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions fromIndustrial Solvent Cleaning Operations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions fromIndustrial Solvent Cleaning Operations
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control Technique Guidelines for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control Technique Guidelines for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flexible Packaging Printing
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Flexible Packaging Printing
Direct Final Approval of Revisions to MI PSD Rules (Part 18)
Proposed Approval of Revisions to MI PSD Rules (Part 18)
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Volatile Organic Compounds
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Volatile Organic Compounds
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Alabama: Birmingham; Determination of Attaining Data for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, et al.; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, et al.; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut, et al.; Reasonable Further Progress Plans and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventories
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plan Revisions: North Dakota; Interstate Transport of Pollution for 1997 PM2.5 and 8-hour Ozone NAAQS; Interference with Maintenance Requirements
Approvals and Promulgations of State Implementation Plans: Colorado; InterstateTransport of Pollution Revisions for 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS; Interference with Maintenance Requirement
OK006.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Oklahoma; State Implementation Plan Revisions for Interstate Transport of Pollution, Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Nonattainment New Source Review, Source Registration and Emissions Reporting and Rules of Practice and Procedure
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
Adequacy Status of Knoxville, TN 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan, etc.
TX045.372 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Nonattainment NSR (NNSR) for the 1-Hour and the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard, NSR Reform, and a Standard Permit; Final Rule. 31 pages n9f
TX031.373 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Nonattainment NSR (NNSR) for the 1-Hour and the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard, NSR Reform, and a Standard Permit; Final Rule. 31 pages n9f
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Kentucky; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment New Source Review Rules, etc.
TX110.02 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD). 1 page n9f
TX110.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD). 11 pages n9f
Proposed approval of the PM 2.5 Clean Data Determination for Louisville
Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Attainment Plan for Libby, MT, etc.
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Idaho; Interstate Transport of Pollution
Direct Final Approval of the Minnesota Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for the Twin Cities Area
Proposed Approval of the Minnesota Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for the Twin Cities Area
LA029.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Baton Rouge 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment of the 8-Hour Ozone Standard. 2 pages n99
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Maricopa County (Phoenix) PM-10 Nonattainment Area, etc.
Action To Ensure Authority To Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal Implementation Plan; Notice of public hearing correction
Action To Ensure Authority To Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal Implementation Plan
Revisions to Arizona State Implementation Plan, Maricopa County
Actions To Ensure Authority To Issue Permits Under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse GasEmissions: Finding of Substantial Inadequacy and SIP Call
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Ozone Standard for the Greater Connecticut Area
Action to Ensure Authority to Issue Permits under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program to Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal Implementation Plan; Notice of Public Hearing
NM035.18 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Revisions to Prevention of Significant Deterioration Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; State Implementation Plan Revision; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Paducah Area
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC; Completeness Determination forPurpose of Stopping Sanctions Clock
Proposed Disapproval of the Indiana Environmental Stewardship Program
Final Conditional Approval/Disapproval of the Ohio 5 year VOC/CO rule review
Direct Final Approval of the Indiana Transportation Conformity Plan
Proposed Approval of the Indiana Transportation Conformity Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Transportation Conformity Regulations; Withdrawal
Proposed Approval of the Rochester, MN SO2 SIP for Saint Mary's Hospital
NM012.10 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Revisions to Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements, and General Provisions
NM012.09 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Revisions to Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements, and General Provisions
Direct Final Approval of the Rochester, MN SO2 SIP for Saint Mary's Hospital
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of Missouri
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Administrative and Non-Substantive Amendments to Existing Delaware SIP Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Transportation Conformity Regulations; Withdrawal
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Administrative and Non-Substantive Amendments to Existing Delaware SIP Regulations
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Proposed Approval of Minnesota SO2 SIP revision for ELT Minneapolis
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: Tennessee: Knoxville; Determination of Attainment
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of New Jersey; Implementation Plan Revision
Direct Final Approval of Minnesota SO2 SIP revision for ELT Minneapolis
Adequacy Status of Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets, etc: New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island and Poughkeepsie 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New York; New Jersey; and Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Fine Particle Standard
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan
NM025.03 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution. 4 pages n7v
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Ozone Standard for the Providence Area
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan: Maricopa County Air Quality Department
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York; Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality and Nonattainment New Source Review
TX057.08 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements and Conformity of General Federal Actions, Including Revisions Allowing Electronic Reporting Consistent With the Cross Media Electronic Reporting Rule. 1 page n7n
TX057.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements and Conformity of General Federal Actions, Including Revisions Allowing Electronic Reporting Consistent With the Cross Media Electronic Reporting Rule. 6 pages n7n
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: New Jersey; 8-hour Ozone Control Measures
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Attainment Demonstration for 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard, and Approval of Related Revisions
Approval and Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Colorado; Revisions to Regulation 1
TX038.382 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review State Implementation Plan; Flexible Permits. 25 pages n7f
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and South Coast AirQuality Management District
Proposed Approval of Illinois' Site-Specific VOC SIP Revision for Abbott Laboratories
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and South Coast AirQuality Management District
Extension of Deadline for Action on Section 126 Petition from New Jersey
Revisions to California State Implementation Plans: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Iowa
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Iowa
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: California; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Disapproval of California State Implementation Plan Revisions: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
LA029.03 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard. 3 pages n6r
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Amendment to Consumer Products and Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings Regulations; Pennsylvania
Final Approval of Ohio Carbon Monoxide and Volatile Organic Compounds Rule Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Revision to Emission Limitations for R. Paul Smith Power Station; Maryland
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Transportation Conformity Regulations; Maryland
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Transportation Conformity Regulations; Maryland
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Limiting Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Consumer Products; Delaware
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Determination of Attaining Data for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Matter Standard, Birmingham; AL
TX044.28 Extension of Public Comment Period for Proposed Rule on the Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Excess Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, Maintenance, and Malfunction Activities; Texas --- Public comment period for this proposed rule is extended until June 28, 2010. 1 page n6b
NM024.24 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution. 17 pages n6b
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Reasonable Further Progress Plan, 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory, Maryland, et al.
Finding of Failure to Submit Section 110 State Implementation Plans for Interstate Transport for the 2006 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Fine Particulate Matter
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonable Further Progress Plan, 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory, Contingency Measures, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Delaware
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: Air Pollution Control Rules, and Interstate Transport of Pollution for the 1997 PM2.5 and 8-hour Ozone NAAQS; North Dakota
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans:Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Ozone Standard; Rhode Island
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS; Colorado
Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule Approving the Wisconsin Particulate Matter Standards
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Connecticut; Determination of Attainment of 1997 Ozone Standard for Greater Connecticut Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York State Implementation Plan Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Approval of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Jacksonville, Tampa Bay, and Southeast Florida Areas; Florida
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Approval of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Jacksonville, Tampa Bay, and Southeast Florida Areas; Florida
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: State of California; Legal Authority
TX092.16 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading Program. 4 pages n5i
TX091.15 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the Emission Credit Banking and Trading Program. 3 pages n5i
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards, etc.
TX044.19 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Excess Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, Maintenance, and Malfunction Activities; Texas. 7 pages n5d --- June 11, 2010 (75 FR 33220): Public comment period for this proposed rule extended until June 28, 2010.
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Reformulated Gasoline and Diesel Fuels; California
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, New Source Review; State of California
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Revisions to Regulation (Number 1); Colorado
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Revisions to Regulation (Number 1); Colorado
Direct Final Approval of Ohio General Provisions
Proposed Approval of Ohio General Provisions
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Disapprovals of State Implementation Plan Revisions: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Oregon
Final Approval of the Indiana VOC Automobile Refinishing Rules
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, et al.
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Washington
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, et al.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New York Reasonably Available Control Technology and Reasonably Available Control Measures
NM024.12 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution; Withdrawal of direct final rule. 1 page n53
NM010.09 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Transportation Conformity Requirement for Bernalillo County; New Mexico
NM010.08 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Transportation Conformity Requirement for Bernalillo County
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Kentucky State Implementation Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Visibility Impairment Prevention for Federal Class I Areas; Removal ofFederally Promulgated Provisions
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Tennessee; Visibility Impairment Prevention for Federal Class I Areas; Removal ofFederally Promulgated Provisions
Adequacy Status of the Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir, North Carolina 1997 PM2.5 Attainment Demonstration Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget for Transportation Conformity Purposes
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations; Wyoming
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan
TX031.369 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review State Implementation Plan; Modification of Existing Qualified Facilities Program and General Definitions
Proposed Approval of Indianapolis Power and Light PM SIP revision
Direct Final Approval of Indianapolis Power and Light PM SIP revision
TX054.10 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
TX054.09 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to California State Implementation Plan: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
NM024.06 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution
NM024.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Pollution
Direct Final Approval of Wisconsin PM 2.5 Standards
Proposed Approval of Wisconsin PM 2.5 Standards
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Reasonable Further Progress Plan, 2002 Base Year Inventory, etc.
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan; Pinal County
TX077.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Chapter 116 which relate to the Voiding of Permits and Extension of Permits
TX077.06 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Chapter 116 which relate to the Voiding of Permits and Extension of Permits
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Commonwealth of Kentucky; Prevention of Significant Deterioration, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plan: Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Owensboro Area; Kentucky, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Colorado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Revisions for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plan Revisions: North Dakota; Air Pollution Control Rules, and Interstate Transport of Pollution for the 1997 PM2.5 and 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, etc.
TX092.13 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading Program
TX091.12 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to the Emission Credit Banking and Trading Program
TX065.10 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revision to Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in the Houston/Galveston/Brazoria 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
TX065.11 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revision to Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in the Houston/Galveston/Brazoria 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Direct Final Conversion of Conditional Approval to Approval of Revision to Michigan PSD Regulations
Proposed Conversion of Conditional Approval to Approval of Revision to Michigan PSD Regulations
Proposed Approval of the Wisconsin NOx RACT Rules (NR 428)
Final Approval of Illinois' NOx Trading Program Sunset Provisions for EGUs; Correction
Proposed Approval of the Wisconsin NOx RACT Rules (NR 428)
Disapproval of California State Implementation Plan Revisions: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Idaho
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendment to Electric Generating Unit Multi-Pollutant Regulation
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revision to Clean Air Interstate Rule Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program
TX078.10 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Chapter 116; Permit Renewal Application and Permit Renewal Submittal
Proposed Approval of Minnesota PM10 SIP revision for Aggregate Industries
Direct Final Approval of Minnesota PM10 SIP revision for Aggregate Industries
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
TX051.08 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Chapter 116 which relate to the Application Review Schedule
TX051.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Chapter 116 which relate to the Application Review Schedule
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: 1-Hour Ozone Extreme Area Plan for San Joaquin Valley, CA
Wisconsin NSR Reform Regulations; Denial of Petition for Reconsideration
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State Of Iowa
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State Of Iowa
Approvals and Disapprovals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana - Air Quality, Subchapter 7 and Other Subchapters
Proposed Approval of Illinois' NOx Trading Program Sunset Provisions for EGUs
Direct Final Approval of Illinois' NOx Trading Program Sunset Provisions for EGUs
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Paducah Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compound and Other Terms
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Revisions to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compound and Other Terms
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Determination of Attainment of the 1997 Ozone Standard
Approval of the Ohio New Source Review Rules
Final Approval of the Indiana VOC RACT Rules for Lake and Porter Counties
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Opacity Source Surveillance Methods
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Opacity Source Surveillance Methods
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
NM014.06 Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County
Implementation of the New Source Review NSR Program for Particulate Matter Less Than 2.5 Micrometers: Proposed Repeal of Grandfathering Provision and End the PM10 Surrogate Policy
LA027.11 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Baton Rouge 1-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment of the 1-Hour Ozone
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; State Implementation Plan Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Basic Oxygen Furnaces
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Removal of NOx SIP Call Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Control of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Basic Oxygen Furnaces
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Removal of NOx SIP Call Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; State Implementation Plan Revision
NM037.14 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, NM; Excess Emissions
NM037.13 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, NM; Excess Emissions
Proposed Approval of Ohio Carbon Monoxide and Volatile Organic Compounds Rule Revisions
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Propsed Approval of the Indiana VOC Automobile Refinishing Rules
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: North Carolina; Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir; Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Delaware; Amendment to Electric Generating Unit Multi-Pollutant Regulation
Finding of Failure to Submit Certain State Implementation Plans Required for the 1-Hour Ozone NAAQS
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Maintenance Plan for Carbon Monoxide: Arizona; Tucson Air Planning Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Determinations of Attainment of the One-Hour and Eight-Hour Ozone Standards for Various Ozone Nonattainment Areas in New Jersey and Upstate New York
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Proposed Approval of Revisions to the Visible Emissions Rule, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Avis Rent-A-Car and Budget Rent-A-Car Facilities; Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Clean Air Interstate Rule; NC
Approval Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia Maryland and Ohio; Determinations of Attainment for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Kentucky; NOx SIP Call Phase II
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Diego Air Pollution Control District
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD): Reconsideration of Interpretation of Regulations that Determine Pollutants Covered by the Federal PSD Permit Program
Final Approval of Indiana Extended Permit Terms for FESOPs
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: North Carolina; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point; Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designations of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes: North Carolina; Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir; Determination of Attaining Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Contingency Measures for The San Joaquin Valley, CA
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Alabama; Proposed Approval of Revisions to the Visible Emissions Rule, etc.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Determination of Clean Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Determination of Clean Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Implementation of the New Source Review (NSR) Program for Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5); Final Rule to Stay the Grandfathering Provision for PM2.5
NM030.02 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Excess Emissions
NM030.01 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Excess Emissions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia
LA023.06 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Emissions Inventory; Baton Rouge Ozone Nonattainment Area
LA023.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Emissions Inventory; Baton Rouge Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Determination of Clean Data for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Direct Final Approval of Michigan CAIR / NOx Rules
Proposed Approval of Michigan CAIR / NOx Rules
Revisions to the Arizona State Implementation Plan; Pinal County
Interim Final Determination to Stay and Defer Sanctions: Pinal County, AZ
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan
Proposed Approval of the Ohio Consumer Products Rules
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, Kern County Air Pollution Control District, Mohave Desert Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania
Direct Final Approval of the Ohio Consumer Products Rules
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County, Continuous Opacity Monitor Regulation
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
Implementation of the New Source Review (NSR) Program for Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5); Proposal to Extend Administrative Stay
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Allegheny County, Continuous Opacity Monitor Regulation
Direct Final Approval of the Illinois NOx SIP Call Phase II Rules
Proposed Approval of the Illinois NOx SIP Call Phase II Rules
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: California Air Resources Board Consumer Products Regulations
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania; Attainment Demonstration for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Reopening of Comment Periods
Withdrawal of Direct Final Approval of Indiana Extended Permit Terms for FESOPs
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; State Implementation Plan Revision
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Clean Air Interstate Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Hawaii
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; State Implementation Plan Revision
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds; Correction
for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Attainment Demonstration for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Maryland; Attainment Demonstration for the Baltimore 8-Hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: South Coast Air Quality Management District; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan: North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District
Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Transportation Conformity Requirements
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Pennsylvania; Transportation Conformity Requirement
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, South Coast Air Quality Management District,
TX067.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Reasonable Further Progress Plan, etc.
TX067.06 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Reasonable Further Progress Plan, Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets, and 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory; Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Georgia; Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Plan
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Jersey; Diesel Idling Rule Revisions
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Nevada State Implementation Plan; Updated Statutory and Regulatory Provisions; Rescissions
NM027.06 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County
NM027.07 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Mexico; Albuquerque/Bernalillo County
Approval and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Variance Determination for Particulate Matter from a Specific Source in the State of New Jersey
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Alabama State Implementation Plan; Birmingham and Jackson Counties
LA027.03 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Louisiana; Baton Rouge 1-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment of the 1-Hour Ozone Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Revisions to the Alabama State Implementation Plan; Birmingham and Jackson Counties
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Amendments to the Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Refuse,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plans for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard for the Huntington - Ashland Area et al.,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: West Virginia; Amendments to the Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Refuse,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Kentucky; Approval Section 110(a) (1) Maintenance Plans for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard for the Huntington-Ashland Area et al.,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Volatile Organic Compound Reasonably Available Control Technology for Reynolds Consumer Products Co.,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Volatile Organic Compound Reasonably Available Control Technology for Reynolds Consumer Products Co.,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for Providence, RI,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Rhode Island; Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan for Providence, RI,
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Maryland; Reasonably Available Control Technology Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds,
Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: District of Columbia; Reasonably Available Control Technology Under the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard,
TX032.10 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
TX032.09 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Virginia; Amendments to the Open Burning Regulation
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Northern Virginia Reasonably Available Control Technology Under the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Hawaii; Correction
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Alabama
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval and Promulgation: California; 2003 State Strategy and 2003 South Coast Plan for One-Hour Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; 2009 Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Boston-Manchester-Portsmouth (SE), New Hampshire, 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: New Hampshire; 2009 Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Boston-Manchester-Portsmouth (SE), New Hampshire, 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
Extension of Deadline for Action on Section 126 Petition From Delaware
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Ambient
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Nevada; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Finding of Failure to Submit a Required State Implementation Plan Revision for 1-Hour Ozone Standard, California: San Joaquin Valley - Reasonably Available Control Technology
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: New Jersey Reasonable Further Progress Plans, Reasonably Available Control Technology, Reasonably Available Control Measures and Conformity Budgets
TX046.07 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Approval of the Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for El Paso County
Finding of Failure to Submit State Implementation Plans Required by the 1999 Regional Haze Rule
AR003.01 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arkansas; Emissions Inventory for the Crittenden County Ozone Non-attainment Area; Emissions Statements
AR003.02 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Arkansas; Emissions Inventory for the Crittenden County Ozone Nonattainment Area; Emissions Statements
TX046.06 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Approval of the Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for El Paso County
TX063.92 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Attainment Demonstration for the Dallas/Fort Worth 1997 8-Hour
TX074.16 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Texas; Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) From Cement Kilns
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Washington; Interstate Transport of Pollution
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Metropolitan Washington Nonattainment Area; Determination of Attainment of the Fine Particle Standard
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Redesignation of the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Area’s Maintenance Plan; Withdrawal of Proposed Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Amendments to Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Redesignation of the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Area’s Maintenance Plan; Withdrawal of Proposed Rule
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Emission
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Emission
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; Control of Stationary Combustion Turbine Electric Generating Unit Emissions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Section 110(a)(1) 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan and 2002 Base-Year Inventory for the Warren County Area
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; Transportation Conformity Regulations
Proposed Approval of the Indiana 2009 annual CFR update
Details Information
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