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Document Subtype: Comment(s)
Received Date: September 24 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time


Attachment 1 Viola et al Overview of Issues Pertaining to the Manufacture Distribution and Use of Antimicrobials in Animals and Other Information Relevant to Animal Antimicrobial Use Data Collection in the United States

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Attachment 2 DeVincent et al Deliberations of an Advisory Committee Regarding Priorities Sources and Methods for Collecting Animal Antimicrobial Use Data in the United States

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Attachment 3 Bondt et al Comparing Antimicrobial Exposure Based on Sales Data

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Attachment 4 Apley et al Use Estimates of in Feed Antimicrobials in Swine Production in the United States

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Attachment 5 The National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System NARMS Strategic Plan 2012 2016

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Pfizer Inc Comment

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