Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Experimental Study on Consumer Responses to Nutrition Facts Labels With Various Footnote Formats and Declaration of Amount of Added Sugars

Document ID: FDA-2012-N-0495-0023
Document Type: Notice
Agency: Food And Drug Administration
Topics: No Topics associated with this document
Federal Register Number: 2013-12824
View Document:  View as format pdf View as format html

Details Information

Document Subtype: General Notice
Received Date: May 30 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Start-End Page: 32394 - 32400
Page Count: 7


Reference 1 Levy A S S B Fein and R E Schucker Nutrition Labeling Formats Performance and Preference Food Technology 45 116 121 1991

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Reference 10 U S Food and Drug Administration The Food Label and You Video

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Reference 11 U S Food and Drug Administration How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label

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Reference 12 U.S. Food and Drug Administration Using the Nutrition Facts Label. A How to Guide for Older Adults

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Reference 13 U S Food and Drug Administration Spot The Block Campaign For Tweens

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Reference 14 U S Food and Drug Administration Spot the Block Get Your Food Facts First

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Reference 15 Andrews J C S Burton and R G Netemeyer Are Some Comparative Nutrition Claims Misleading The Role of Nutrition Knowledge Ad Claim Type and Disclosure Conditions,

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Reference 16 Barone M J R L Rose K C Manning and P W Miniard Another Look at the Impact of Reference Information on Consumer Impressions of Nutrition Marketing

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Reference 17 Burton S J A Garretson and A M Velliquette Implications of Accurate Usage of Nutrition Facts Panel Information for Food Product Evaluations and Purchase Intentions

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Reference 18 Crites S L and S N Aikman Impact of Nutrition Knowledge on Food Evaluations European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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Reference 19 Ford G T M Hastak A Mitra and D J Ringold Can Consumers Interpret Nutrition Information in the Presence of a Health Claim A Laboratory Investigation Journal of Public Policy Marketing

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Reference 2 Levy A S S B Fein and R E Schucker More Effective Nutrition Label Formats are not Necessarily Preferred Journal of the American Dietetic Association vol 92 pp 1230 1234 1992

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Reference 20 Howlett E S Burton and J Kozup How Modification of the Nutrition Facts Panel Influences Consumers at Risk for Heart Disease The Case of Trans Fat Journal of Public Policy Marketing

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Reference 21 Lando A M and S C Lo Single Larger Portion Size and Dual Column Nutrition Labeling may Help Consumers Make More Healthful Food Choices Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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Reference 22 Roberto C A M A Bragg M J Seamans R L Mechulan et al Evaluation of Consumer Understanding of Different Front of Package Nutrition Labels 2010 2011 Preventing Chronic Disease

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Reference 23 Roberto C A M A Bragg M B Schwartz M J Seamans et al Facts Up Front Versus Traffic Light Food Labels A Randomized Controlled Trial American Journal of Preventive Medicine

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Reference 24 Roe B A S Levy and B M Derby The Impact of Health Claims on Consumer Search and Product Evaluation Outcomes: Results from FDA Experimental Data Journal of Public Policy Marketing

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Reference 25 Chandon P How Package Design and Package-Based Marketing Claims Lead to Overeating Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

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Reference 26 Chandon P and B Wansink Does Food Marketing Need to Make Us Fat A Review and Solutions Nutrition Reviews

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Reference 3 Levy A S S B Fein and R E Schucker Performance Characteristics of Seven Nutrition Label Formats Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 15 1 15 1996

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Reference 4 Lando A M and J Labiner Wolfe Helping Consumers to Make More Healthful Food Choices: Consumer Views on Modifying Food Labels and Providing Point of Purchase Nutrition Information at Quick Service Restaurants Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

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Reference 5 U.S. Food and Drug Administration Calories Count Report of the Working Group on Obesity 2004

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Reference 6 U S Food and Drug Administration 2008 Health and Diet Survey Preliminary Topline Frequencies (Weighted)

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Reference 7 Li F P W Miniard and M J Barone The Facilitating Influence of Consumer Knowledge on the Effectiveness of Daily Value Reference Information Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

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Reference 8 Levy L R E Patterson A R Kristal and S S Li How Well Do Consumers Understand Percentage Daily Value on Food Labels American Journal of Health Promotion

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Reference 9 U S Food and Drug Administration A Key to Choosing Healthful Foods Using the Nutrition Facts on the Food Label

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References List

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