Title: Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Comments
Abstract: Wisconsin believes the proposed regulations [Docket No. FMCSA-00-7382] need substantial review and revision. The proposal to disqualify drivers for ?serious traffic violations? committed in non-commercial vehicles contradicts the expressed intent of congress that such a sanction be imposed only for serious offenses that result in suspension or revocation of a driver?s license. The proposal to take such action only against drivers who hold CDLs violates the U.S. Constitution?s equal protection clause. All drivers who commit an offense should be treated equally under the law.
In fairness to drivers, FMCSA should create not only a uniform nation-wide system for disqualifying CMV drivers, it should also create a uniform nation-wide system for permitting lifetime offenders to reinstate their privileges. Each state should be required to honor a reinstatement of CMV operating privileges order issued by any other state.
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Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Comments
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