U.S. DOT/FRA - Petition for Waiver of Compliance - Norfolk Southern Corporation

Document ID: FRA-2002-11896-0008
Document Type: Rule
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration
Topics: No Topics associated with this document
CFR Citation: 49 CFR 232
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Abstract: Norfolk Southern Corporation (NS) seeks to modify existing waiver FRA-2002-11896, which is a conditional waiver of compliance from certain provisions of the Safety Appliances Standards, 49 CFR part 231, and Power Brakes and Drawbars regulations, 49 CFR part 232, concerning the operation of RoadRailer equipment in Triple Crown Service over their railroad system. Specifically, NS requests that FRA modify the existing waiver to incorporate the use of the new ``RoadRailer[reg] Drawbar Connector' in its RoadRailer operations. NS would like to undertake the introduction of the new `` RoadRailer Drawbar' technology in a two-phase program. In Phase I, NS would operate a limited commercial test of the Drawbar. The intent is to gain experience with the new technology under controlled conditions in order to refine operating techniques and to develop and provide additional data to the FRA to support the use of this technology on a permanent basis. NS envisions that such a test would run for a period of approximately 90 days using two train sets. Train 262 from Calumet (Chicago, Illinois) to Piqua (Ft. Wayne, Indiana), approximately 190 miles, and Train 253, from Oakwood (Detroit, Michigan) to Piqua (Ft. Wayne, Indiana), approximately 185 miles. The drawbar would be installed/removed only in Triple Crown terminals by RoadRailer personnel using a forklift. All affected personnel would be trained and the training will be documented. Communications received within 30 days of the date of this notice will be considered by FRA before final action is taken.
Document Subtype: Federal Register Publication
Received Date: April 21 2003, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Page Count: 2
Comment Due Date: April 21 2003, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time


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