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Received Date: October 22 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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2010 Texas Water Quality Inventory Groundwater Assessment

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Austin Lawn and Garden Chemical Education Campaign - FinalReport

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Barton Springs Salamander Biological Opinion - EPA Construction General Permit 2001

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Biological Assessment - Barton Springs Flood Debris Removal and Bypass Repairs - 4.21.10

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Biological Assessment - BSP Bypass and Dam Repairs - 7.15.11

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Biological Opinion - 9.14.1998

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Biological Opinion - Barton Springs Pool - 12.22.11

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City of Austin Community Inventory Report; October 5, 2011 - Natural Environment

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City of Austin Water Supply Suburban Watersheds Report - Watershed Protection and Traffic Analysis dated Nov. 29, 1999

View Attachment: View as format pdf

Evaluation of Augmentation Methodologies in Support of In-Situ Refugia at Comal and San Marcos Springs, Texas - June 2004

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FOIA Letter to Adam Zerrenner 9.24.12

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Forstner - evaluation of the existing scientific evidence for the currently proposed hyperdiversity of salamanders in central texas

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Forstner McHenry 2010 Coypu Eurycea Final Report

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FWS Letter to COA - Amended Biological Opinion Barton Springs - 9.27.12

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Harlan and Zigler 2009 Tennessee Academy of Science - Cave Salamander

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Letter from USFWS Regional Director Dale Hall to Gregg Cooke, Regional Administrator, EPA; Consultation No. 2-15-F-01-0437, 2002

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Letter from USFWS Supervisor David C. Frederick to Wayne Lea, Chief Regulatory Branch, Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers; Consultation No. 2-15-F-1135, 2000

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Letter from USFWS to Governor Rick Perry - 9.4.07

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Letter To Adam Zerrenner 7.26.12

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Modern Day Texas Climate – Environmental Science Institute

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Relyea and Hoverman - Interactive effects of predators and a pesticide on aquatic communities - 2008

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Reylea et al 2005 - Pesticides and Amphibians

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Road to Evolution_ Local adaptation to road adjacency in an amphibian (Ambystoma maculatum) - 2012

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Subchapter B - Contributing Zone to the Edwards Aquifer - 4.24.08

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Texas Salamander Coalition - Comments on Proposed Listing - 10.22.12

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The Paleoclimate of Central Texas – Environmental Science Institute

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Transcript from Hearing on Motion 98-CA-317 (06.03.98)

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