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Document Subtype: Comment(s)
Received Date: October 17 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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1. Cover letter for jaguar comments submission October 15, 2012

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10. 9.12.11 letter to Jean Calhoun

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10.1 Letter to Spangle 10.18.11

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10.10 USFWS:PNRCD 8.17.11 approved minutes

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10.2 Letter From USFWS 10.19.11

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10.3. Letter to Lupo 11.4.11

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10.4. Calhoun response 11.23.11

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10.5. Lupo response 12.15.11

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10.6. FWS Jaguar FOIA Response 4.25.12

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10.7 Coordination chronology

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10.8 Emails & response regarding FOIA

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10.9 List of Studies sent to PNRCD by FWS

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11. 7.6.12 article Jaguar found in Piedras Negras stash house

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12. PNRCD response to jaguar guidelines and response of june 19, 2012 final

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13. Comments sent on prudency determination Sept 23 2010

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14. Jaguar Attachments for Sept 23 2010 submission

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15. Prock hunts, jaguar kills map attachment to comments Sept 23 2010

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16. Jaguar comments on prudency of critical habitat to FWS, March 30, 2010

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17. CBD contract $999.99

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18. CBD FOIA response from AGFD

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19. 6.12.2009 Article on jaguar killers

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2. PNRCD comments on proposed rule to designate critical habitat for jaguars in Arizona and New Mexico, final

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20. Jaguar Attachments (emailed to L. Voyles 10:11:11)

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21. copy of Email sending 9:23:10 comments, attachments to AGFD Dir. Voyles

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22. jaguar final comments and index to AGFD public records (emailed to L. Voyles 10:11:10)

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23. USFWS pub 8:17:2012

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24. Scent Lures « 4.20.2012whistlingforthejaguar

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26. Narco zoos

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27. Scent Lures 2 « 4.23.2012whistlingforthejaguar

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28. Jaguar, Public Records Request, Voyles , April 2, 2010 on behalf of SACPA

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3. Jaguar literature discrepancies, final submitted 10-15-2012

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4. Summary Table of Jaguar Occurrences in the United States copy

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5. Histogram chart of historic jaguar occurrences in AZ, NM

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6. AZ Star on use of scat from female jaguar in heat

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7. Steirou and Koutsoyiannis (2012)

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8. Jaguar, Red Harris, 1949 photo

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9. Regulatory Daubert

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