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Received Date: May 24 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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Pike 2007_Sea turtles vary in suceptibility to cyclones

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Rizkalla 2011_Impact of seawalls on loggerhead nesting and hatching success

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Schaeffer 2012_Long-term sea level rise implied by 1.5 and 2C warming

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Scypers 2011_Oyster Reefs as Natural Breakwaters Mitigate Shoreline Loss

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Sheppard 2005_Coral mortality increases wave energy reaching shores protected by reef flat

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Southeast Florida Climate Change Compact Counties 2011_Unified Sea Level Rise Projection for Southeast Florida

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Sriver 2012_Upper bound of sea level rise projections

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Tebaldi 2012_Modelling sea level rise impacts on storm surge along US coast

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Terrados 2004_Why are seagrasses important

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Van Houtan 2007_Stormy oceans associated iwth declining loggerhead and green hatching

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Vermeer and Rahmstorf 2009_Global sea level linked to global temperature

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Villanoy 2012_Coral reefs protect shore from high energy waves

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Weishampel 2004_Earlier nesting of loggerheads

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Weishampel 2010_Nesting phenologies of two sympatric sea turtles in relation to temperature

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Weiss 2011_Implications of sea level rise for low elevation cities in US

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Witt 2010_Predicting impact of climate change on loggerhead

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