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Received Date: June 18 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Page Count: 0


McKinney 2011_Biotransformation of PBDEs in arctic marine mammals

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McKinney 2011_Flame retardants and legacy contaminants in polar bears from Alaska, Canada, East Greenland, and Svalbard

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Molnar 2010_Predicting survival, reproduction, and abundance of polar bears under climate change

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Muir et al. 2006_Brominated flame retardants in polar bears

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Obbard 2010_Proceedings of the 15th working meeting of the IUCN SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group

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Pagano 2012_Long Distance Swimming of the Polar Bears of the So Beaufort Seas

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Regehr 2007_Effects of sea ice breakup on polar bears

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Regehr 2010_Survival and breeding of SBS polar bears in relation to sea ice

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Revkin 2010 (Polar Scientists Discuss Polar Bear's Fate - NYTimes)

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