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Received Date: May 07 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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12 5 7 CBD comments on ringed and bearded seal peer review May 2012

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Brainard et al. 2011 excerpt

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Comeau 2011_Impact of aragonite saturation state on migratory pteropods

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Comiso 2011_Large decadal decline of Arctic multiyear ice cover

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Kwok 2011_Airborne surveys of snow depth over Arctic sea ice

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Lischka 2011_Impact of ocean acidification and elevated temp on juveniles of polar pteropod Limacina helicina

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Markus 2009_Recent changes in Arctic sea ice melt onset, freezeup, and melt season length

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Mathis 2011_Coupling primary production and runoff to ocean acidification in the eastern Bering SEa

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Mathis 2011_Role of ocean acidification in carbonate mineral suppression in Bering SEa

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Perovich 2009_Loss of sea ice in the Arctic

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Rodrigues 2009_Increase in ice-free season length in Arctic

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Warren 1999_Snow depth on Arctic sea ice

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Yamamoto-Kawai 2011_Effects of ocean acidification, warming, and sea ice melt on aragonite undersaturation in the Canada Basin

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