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Received Date: February 13 2012, at 09:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
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AMAP 2009

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AMAP 2011_Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Artic

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Anderson 2011_Beyond dangerous climate change

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Archer 2008_Millenial lifetime of CO2

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Boveng 2008_Status review for the ribbon seal

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Cameron 2010_Bearded seal statusreview10

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Grebmeier 2010_Biological response to recent Pacific Arctic sea ice retreats

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Hunt 2011_Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs

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Jacobson 2010_Short term effects of controlling soot on Arctic

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Kelly 2010_Ringed seal statusreview10(2)

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Koven 2011_Permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks accelerate global warming

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Kwok and Rothrock 2009

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Lenton_2011_Early warning of climate tipping points

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Maclean 2011_Recent ecological responses to climate change support predictions of high extinction risk

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Maslanik 2011_Distribution and trends in Arctic sea ice age through spring 2011

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Mathis 2011_ Arctic Report Card 2011

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Mathis 2011_Coupling primary production and runoff to ocean acidification in the eastern Bering SEa

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Mathis 2011_Role of ocean acidification in carbonate mineral suppression in Bering SEa

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McMullen and Jabbour 2009

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Molina 2009_Reducing abrupt climate change risk using regulatory actions to complement cuts in CO2

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Montzkar 2011_Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change

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Mueter 2011_Expected declines in recruitment of walleye pollock in eastern Bering Sea under future cliamte change

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New 2011_Four degrees and beyond

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NOAA 2011_2011 Arctic seal disease outbreak update on investigation and findings

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NOAA 2012_Unusual mortality event update_Feb 2012

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Olivier 2011_Long-term trend in global CO2 emissions

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Perovich 2011_Changing Arctic sea ice cover

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Perovich 2011_Solar partitioning in a changing Arctic sea ice cover

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Reddy and Boucher 2007

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Rogelj 2010_Copenhagen Accord pledges are paltry

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Rothrock 1999

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Sakhalin 2 Annual Review 2010

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Schellnhuber 2009_Tipping elements in the Earth System

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Smith 2009

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Solomon 2009

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Stroeve 2007

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Stroeve 2008

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Thomas 2004

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Trenberth 2007

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Tripati 2009_Coupling of CO2 and ice sheet stability over 20 million yrs

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UNEP 2010_The emissions gap report

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UNEP 2011_Bridging the emissions gap

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University of Bremen 2011

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USGCRP 2009_Climate change in the US

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Walther 2002_Ecological responses to recent climate change

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Walther 2005_Ecological footprint of climate change

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Wang 2010_Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems

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Warren 2011_Increasing impacts on ecosystems with increasing global temperature rise

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Zhang 2010_Sensitivity of arctic summer sea ice coverage to global warming forcing

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Zhang and Walsh 2006

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