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Received Date: January 04 2010, at 09:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
Page Count: 1


Attachment: An Introduction to Flameproofing

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Attachment: DIRECTIVE 94/9/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

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Attachment: Excel Spreadsheet

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Attachment: Subject 558 - SUMMARY OF TOPICS

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Attachment: UL 583. Electric-Battery-Powered Industrial Trucks

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Attachment: Use of forklift trucks where flammable atmospheres may exist

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Attachment: Email Re: Question about UL 583

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Attachment: Lift Truck in Potentially Flammable Atmospheres

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Attachment: NFIRS powered industrial equipment fires ignition source analysis

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Attachment: Table 4.2. Summary Table on Use of Powered Industrial Trucks

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Standard Interpretations. 10/29/1986 - Testing equipment for use in potentially hazardous environments. Standard Number: 1910.303; 1910.304; 1910.307; 1910.399. Letter from John B. Miles, Jr.; OSHA to Shannon M. Simpson;Neotronics.

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