Notice No. 73 -- Labeling and Advertising of Wines, Distilled Spirits and Malt Beverages

Document ID: TTB-2007-0062-0001
Document Type: Proposed Rule
Agency: Alcohol And Tobacco Tax And Trade Bureau
Topics: No Topics associated with this document
Federal Register Number: E7-14774
CFR Citation: 27 CFR 4, 5, 7, & 24
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Details Information

Abstract: In this notice of proposed rulemaking, TTB proposes to amend its regulations to require a statement of alcohol content, expressed as a percentage of alcohol by volume, on all alcohol beverage products. This statement may appear on any label affixed to the container. TTB also proposes to require a Serving Facts panel on alcohol beverage labels, which would include a statement of calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Industry members may also choose to disclose on the Serving Facts panel the number of U.S. fluid ounces of pure alcohol (ethyl alcohol) per serving as part of a statement that includes alcohol content expressed as a percentage of alcohol by volume. The proposed regulations would also specify new reference serving sizes for wine, distilled spirits, and malt beverages based on the amount of beverage customarily consumed as a single serving. However, TTB is not defining a standard drink in this document. TTB proposes to make these new requirements mandatory three years after the date of publication of a final rule regarding these proposals. TTB proposes these amendments to ensure that alcohol beverage labels provide consumers with adequate information about the product.
Document Subtype: NPRM
Received Date: July 31 2007, at 07:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Start-End Page: 41859 - 41884
Comment Start Date: July 31 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 28 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time


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Total: 713
Comment from Shamet, Donna
Submitter: SHAMET, DONNA    Posted: 09/12/2007     ID: TTB-2007-0062-0002

Jan 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Collett, Monica
Submitter: Collett, Monica    Posted: 09/12/2007     ID: TTB-2007-0062-0003

Jan 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Westwood Winery (Kelly, John M.)
Submitter: Kelly, John    Posted: 09/12/2007     ID: TTB-2007-0062-0004

Jan 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Hyland, Jay C.
Submitter: Hyland, Jay    Posted: 09/12/2007     ID: TTB-2007-0062-0006

Jan 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Klagsbrun, Adam J.
Submitter: Klagsbrun, Adam    Posted: 09/12/2007     ID: TTB-2007-0062-0007

Jan 28,2008 11:59 PM ET

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