December 23 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Federation des Exportateurs de Vins et Spiritueux de France (FEVS) (Comment 9)
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Title: Federation des Exportateurs de Vins et Spiritueux de France (FEVS) (Comment 9)
Abstract: This comment supports TTB's proposal to allow the use of a vintage date on a wine labeled with a country as an appellation of origin. This comment is from the French trade association Federation des Exportateurs de Vins et Spiritueux de France (FEVS) (Wine & Spirits Exporters Federation of France), which represents over 500 French wine exporters. The comment is signed by the association's chairman, Louis F. Latour.
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Federation des Exportateurs de Vins et Spiritueux de France (FEVS) (Comment 9)
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