§ 667.830 - When will the Administrative Law Judge issue a decision?  

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  • § 667.830 When will the Administrative Law Judge issue a decision?

    (a) The ALJ should render a written decision not later than 90 days after the closing of the record.

    (b) The decision of the ALJ constitutes final agency action unless, within 20 days of the decision, a party dissatisfied with the ALJ's decision has filed a petition for review with the Administrative Review Board (ARB) (established under Secretary's Order No. 01-2020), specifically identifying the procedure, fact, law, or policy to which exception is taken, in accordance with 29 CFR part 26. Any exception not specifically urged is deemed to have been waived. A copy of the petition for review must be sent to the opposing party at that time. Thereafter, the decision of the ALJ constitutes final agency action unless the ARB, within 30 days of the filing of the petition for review, notifies the parties that the case has been accepted for review. In any case accepted by the ARB, a decision must be issued by the ARB within 180 days of acceptance. If a decision is not so issued, the decision of the ALJ constitutes final agency action.

    [65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, as amended at 85 FR 13030, Mar. 6, 2020; 85 FR 30615, May 20, 2020; 86 FR 1779, Jan. 11, 2021]