§ 1228.266 - Audiovisual records.  

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  • The following types of audiovisual records appraised as permanent shall be transferred to the National Archives as soon as they become inactive or whenever the agency cannot provide proper care and handling of the records, including adequate storage conditions, to facilitate their preservation by the National Archives (see part 1232 of this chapter). In general the physical types described below constitute the minimum record elements for archival purposes that are required to provide for future preservation, duplication, and reference needs.

    (a) Motion pictures. (1) Agency-sponsored or produced motion picture films (e.g., public information films) whether for public or internal use:

    (i) Original negative or color original plus separate optical sound track;

    (ii) Intermediate master positive or duplicate negative plus optical track sound track; and,

    (iii) Sound projection print and video recording, if both exist.

    (2) Agency-acquired motion picture films: Two projection prints in good condition or one projection print and one videotape.

    (3) Unedited footage, outtakes and trims (the discards of film productions) that are properly arranged, labeled, and described and show unstaged, unrehearsed events of historical interest or historically significant phenomena:

    (i) Original negative or color original; and

    (ii) Matching print or videotape.

    (b) Still pictures. (1) For black-and- white photographs, an original negative and a captioned print although the captioning information can be maintained in another file such as a data base if the file number correlation is clear. If the original negative is nitrate, unstable acetate, or glass based, a duplicate negative on a polyester base is also needed.

    (2) For color photographs, the original color negative, color transparency, or color slide; a captioned print of the original color negative; and/or captioning information as described above if for an original color transparency or original color slide; and a duplicate negative, or slide, or transparency, if they exist.

    (3) For slide sets, the original and a reference set, and the related audio recording and script.

    (4) For other pictorial records such as posters, original art work, and filmstrips, the original and a reference copy.

    (c) Sound recordings. (1) Disc recordings:

    (i) For conventional disc recordings, the master tape and two disc pressings of each recording, typically a vinyl copy for playback at 331/3 revolutions per minute (rpm).

    (ii) For compact discs, the origination recording regardless of form and two compact discs.

    (2) For analog audio recordings on magnetic tape (open reel, cassette, or cartridge), the original tape, or the earliest available generation of the recording, and a subsequent generation copy for reference. Section 1232.30(d) of this subchapter requires the use of open-reel analog magnetic tape for original audio recordings.

    (d) Video recordings. (1) For videotape, the original or earliest generation videotape and a copy for reference. Section 1232.30(c) of this subchapter requires the use of industrial-quality or professional videotapes for use as originals, although VHS copies can be transferred as reference copies.

    (2) For video discs, the premaster videotape used to manufacture the video disc and two copies of the disc. Video discs that depend on interactive software and nonstandard equipment may not be acceptable for transfer.

    (e) Finding aids and production documentation. The following records shall be transferred to the National Archives with the audiovisual records to which they pertain.

    (1) Existing finding aids such as data sheets, shot lists, continuities, review sheets, catalogs, indexes, list of captions, and other documentation that are helpful or necessary for the proper identification, or retrieval of audiovisual records. Agencies should contact the appropriate Special Media Archives Services Division unit, to determine the type of hardware and software that is currently acceptable for transfer to the National Archives as an agency electronic finding aid that will accompany its audiovisual records. In general, however, agencies must transfer two copies of the electronic finding aid, one in its native format with its field structure documented, and a second copy in a contemporary format available at the time of transfer that NARA will be able to support and import to its database.

    (2) Production case files or similar files that include copies of production contracts, scripts, transcripts, and appropriate documentation bearing on the origin, acquisition, release, and ownership of the production.