Subtitle A—Department of Health and Human Services  

SubChapter A—General Administration
Part 1 - Good Guidance Practices
Part 2 - Testimony by Employees and Production of Documents in Proceedings Where the United States Is Not a Party
Part 3 - Conduct of Persons and Traffic on the National Institutes of Health Federal Enclave
Part 4 - Service of Process
Part 5 - Freedom of Information Regulations
Part 6 - [Reserved]
Part 7 - Employee Inventions
Part 8 - XXX
Part 9 - Use of HHS Research Facilities by Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students
Part 12 - Disposal and Utilization of Surplus Real Property for Public Health Purposes
Part 13 - Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency Proceedings
Part 15 - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs
Part 16 - Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals Board
Part 17 - Release of Adverse Information to News Media
Part 18 - Official Symbol, Logo, and Seal
Part 30 - Claims Collection
Part 31 - Tax Refund Offset
Part 32 - Administrative Wage Garnishment
Part 33 - Salary Offset
Part 34 - Claims Filed Under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Act
Part 35 - Tort Claims Against the Government
Part 36 - Indemnification of HHS Employees
Part 46 - Protection of Human Subjects
Part 50 - U.S. Exchange Visitor Program - Request for Waiver of the Two-Year Foreign Residence Requirement
Part 51 - Criteria for Evaluating Comprehensive Plan to Reduce Reliance on Alien Physicians
Part 57 - Volunteer Services
Part 60 - National Practitioner Data Bank
Part 63 - Grant Programs Administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Part 73 - Standards of Conduct
Part 74 - [Reserved]
Part 75 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards
Part 77 - Remedial Actions Applicable to Letter of Credit Administration
Part 78 - Conditions for Waiver of Denial of Federal Benefits
Part 79 - Program Fraud Civil Remedies
Part 80 - Nondiscrimination Under Programs Receiving Federal Assistance Through the Department of Health and Human Services Effectuation of Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Part 81 - Practice and Procedure for Hearings Under Part 80 of This Title
Part 83 - Regulation for the Administration and Enforcement of Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act
Part 84 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 85 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services
Part 86 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 87 - Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations
Part 88 - Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority
Part 89 - Organizational Integrity of Entities Implementing Programs and Activities Under the Leadership Act
Part 90 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 91 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance from HHS
Part 92 - Nondiscrimination in Health Programs or Activities
Part 93 - New Restrictions on Lobbying
Part 94 - Responsible Prospective Contractors
Part 95 - General Administration - Grant Programs (Public Assistance, Medical Assistance and State Children'S Health Insurance Programs)
Part 96 - Block Grants
Part 97 - Consolidation of Grants to the Insular Areas
Part 98 - Child Care and Development Fund
Part 99 - Procedure for Hearings for the Child Care and Development Fund
Part 100 - Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human Services Programs and Activities
Part 101 - Health Resources Priorities and Allocations System (HRPAS)
Part 102 - Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties for Inflation
Part 5a - [Reserved]
Part 12a - Use of Federal Real Property to Assist the Homeless
Part 73a - Standards of Conduct: Food and Drug Administration Supplement
Part 5b - Privacy Act Regulations
Part 73b - Debarment or Suspension of Former Employees
SubChapter B—Requirements Relating to Health Care Access
Part 144 - Requirements Relating to Health Insurance Coverage
Part 145 - [Reserved]
Part 146 - Requirements for the Group Health Insurance Market
Part 147 - Health Insurance Reform Requirements for the Group and Individual Health Insurance Markets
Part 148 - Requirements for the Individual Health Insurance Market
Part 149 - Surprise Billing and Transparency Requirements
Part 150 - CMS Enforcement in Group and Individual Insurance Markets
Part 151 - [Reserved]
Part 152 - Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program
Part 153 - Standards Related to Reinsurance, Risk Corridors, and HHS Risk Adjustment Under the Affordable Care Act
Part 154 - Health Insurance Issuer Rate Increases: Disclosure and Review Requirements
Part 155 - Exchange Establishment Standards and Other Related Standards Under the Affordable Care Act
Part 156 - Health Insurance Issuer Standards Under the Affordable Care Act, Including Standards Related to Exchanges
Part 157 - Employer Interactions With Exchanges and Shop Participation
Part 158 - Issuer Use of Premium Revenue: Reporting and Rebate Requirements
Part 159 - Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal
Parts 140--143 - [Reserved]
SubChapter C—Administrative Data Standards and Related Requirements
Part 160 - General Administrative Requirements
Part 162 - Administrative Requirements
Part 163 - [Reserved]
Part 164 - Security and Privacy
Parts 165--169 - [Reserved]
SubChapter D—Health Information Technology
Part 170 - Health Information Technology Standards, Implementation Specifications, and Certification Criteria and Certification Programs for Health Information Technology
Part 171 - Information Blocking
Parts 171--179 - [Reserved]
Parts 172--179 - [Reserved]
Parts 171--199 - [Reserved]
SubChapter E—Price Transparency
Part 180 - Hospital Price Transparency
Part 181 - [Reserved]
Part 182 - Price Transparency for Covid-19 Diagnostic Tests
Parts 183 - [Reserved]
Part 184 - Pharmacy Benefit Manager Standards Under the Affordable Care Act
Parts 181--199 - [Reserved]
Parts 183--199 - [Reserved]
Parts 185--199 - [Reserved]
SubChapter E-T - Price Transparency