§ 614.4440 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions shall apply:

    (a) Adverse credit decision means a decision to deny the credit applied for, or approve an extension of credit in an amount less than the amount applied for; to deny an application for restructuring;

    (b) Applicant means any person who completes and executes a formal application for an extension of credit from a qualified lender, or a borrower who completes an application for restructuring;

    (c) Application for restructuring means a written request—

    (1) From a borrower for the restructuring of a distressed loan in accordance with a preliminary restructuring plan proposed by the borrower as a part of the application;

    (2) Submitted on the appropriate forms prescribed by the qualified lender; and

    (3) Accompanied by sufficient financial information and repayment projections, where appropriate, as required by the qualified lender to support a sound credit decision.

    (d) Application for a loan or loan application means a formal application for an extension of credit from a qualified lender;

    (e) Distressed loan means a loan for which the borrower does not have the financial capacity, as determined by the lender, to pay according to its terms and which exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:

    (1) The borrower is demonstrating adverse financial and repayment trends;

    (2) The loan is delinquent or past due under the terms of the loan contract; and

    (3) One or both of the factors listed in paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section, together with inadequate collateralization, present a high probability of loss to the lender.

    (f) Independent evaluator, for the purposes of this subpart, means an individual who is a qualified evaluator and who satisfies the standards established by § 614.4260 of subpart F of this part and by the Farm Credit System institution for the type of property to be evaluated. The independent evaluator may not be a Farm Credit System institution employee or have a relationship with the institution or any of its officers or directors that contravenes the provisions of part 612 of this chapter.

    (g) Loan means a loan made to a farmer, rancher, or producer or harvester of aquatic products, for any agricultural or aquatic purpose and other credit needs of the borrower, including financing for basic processing and marketing directly related to the borrower's operations and those of other eligible farmers, ranchers, and producers or harvesters of aquatic products.

    (h) Qualified lender means:

    (1) A System institution that makes loans (as defined in paragraph (g) of this section) except a bank for cooperatives; and

    (2) Each bank, institution, corporation, company, union, and association described in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act, but only with respect to loans discounted or pledged under section 1.7(b)(1).

    (i) Restructure and restructuring means rescheduling, reamortization, renewal, deferral of principa1 or interest, monetary concessions, or the taking of any other action to modify the terms of, or forbear on, a loan in any way that will make it probable that the operations of the borrower will become financially viable.