Subpart E - Capital and Margin Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants  

§ 23.100 - Definitions applicable to capital requirements.
§ 23.101 - Minimum financial requirements for swap dealers and major swap participants.
§ 23.102 - Calculation of market risk exposure requirement and credit risk exposure requirement using internal models.
§ 23.103 - Calculation of market risk exposure requirement and credit risk requirement when models are not approved.
§ 23.104 - xxx
§ 23.105 - Financial recordkeeping, reporting and notification requirements for swap dealers and major swap participants.
§ 23.106 - xxx
§§ 23.100--23.149 - [Reserved]
§ 23.150 - Scope.
§ 23.151 - Definitions applicable to margin requirements.
§ 23.152 - Collection and posting of initial margin.
§ 23.153 - Collection and posting of variation margin.
§ 23.154 - Calculation of initial margin.
§ 23.155 - Calculation of variation margin.
§ 23.156 - Forms of margin.
§ 23.157 - Custodial arrangements.
§ 23.158 - Margin documentation.
§ 23.159 - Special rules for affiliates.
§ 23.160 - Cross-border application.
§ 23.161 - Compliance dates.
Appendix A to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix B to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix C to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 23 - Application for Internal Models To Compute Market Risk Exposure Requirement and Credit Risk Exposure Requirement
Appendix B to Subpart E of Part 23 - —Swap Dealer and Major Swap Participant Position Information
Appendix C to Subpart E of Part 23 - —Specific Position Information for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants Subjects to the Capital Requirements of a Prudential Regulator
§§ 23.162--23.199 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.107--23.149 - [Reserved]