§ 421.110 - Identifying records relevant to the NICS.  

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  • § 421.110 Identifying records relevant to the NICS.

    (a) In accordance with the requirements of the NIAA, we will identify the records of individuals whom we have “adjudicated as a mental defective.” For purposes of the Social Security programs established under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act, we have “adjudicated as a mental defective” any individual who meets the criteria in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

    (b) During our claim development and adjudication process, or when we take certain post-entitlement or post-eligibility actions, we will identify any individual who:

    (1) Has filed a claim based on disability;

    (2) Has been determined to be disabled based on a finding that the individual's impairment(s) meets or medically equals the requirements of one of the Mental Disorders Listing of Impairments (section 12.00 of appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of this chapter) under the rules in part 404, subpart P, of this chapter, or under the rules in part 416, subpart I, of this chapter;

    (3) Has a primary diagnosis code in our records based on a mental impairment;

    (4) Has attained age 18, but has not attained full retirement age; and

    (5) Requires that his or her benefit payments be made through a representative payee because we have determined, under the rules in part 404, subpart U, of this chapter, or the rules in part 416, subpart F, of this chapter, that he or she is mentally incapable of managing benefit payments.

    (c) We will apply the provisions of this section to:

    (1) Capability findings that we make in connection with initial claims on or after December 19, 2017 under the rules in part 404, subpart U, of this chapter or the rules in part 416, subpart F, of this chapter; or

    (2) Capability findings that we make in connection with continuing disability reviews (including age-18 disability redeterminations under § 416.987 of this chapter) on or after December 19, 2017 under the rules in part 404, subpart U, of this chapter, or the rules in part 416, subpart F, of this chapter. We will apply the provisions of this paragraph (c)(2) only with respect to capability findings in which we appoint a representative payee for an individual in connection with a continuing disability review.