§ 214.305 - Agency profile changes.  

Latest version.
  • Participating agencies must notify HUD within 15 days when any of the following occurs:

    (a) The agency loses or changes its tax-exempt, nonprofit status.

    (b) The agency no longer complies with local and state requirements.

    (c) Changes occur in any of the items below:

    (1) Address(es) of the agency's main office and the address(es) of its branches and affiliates;

    (2) Staff personnel responsible for the Housing Counseling program, such as the housing counselors and management staff;

    (3) Telephone numbers of the main office, affiliates, and branches; or

    (4) Any other aspect of the agency's purpose or functions that may impair its ability to comply with these regulations or the applicable grant agreement (e.g., lack of qualified housing counselors).