§ 950.1005 - Resident consultation and involvement.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Resident input. In developing a proposed homeownership plan, and in carrying out the plan after HUD approval, the IHA shall consult with residents of the development involved, and with any resident organization that represents them, as necessary and appropriate to provide them with information and a reasonable opportunity to make their views and recommendations known to the IHA. If the plan contemplates sale of units in an entirely vacant development, the IHA shall consult with the IHA-wide resident organization, if any. While the Act gives the IHA sole legal authority for final decisions, as to whether or not to submit a proposed homeownership plan and the content of such a proposal, the IHA shall give residents and their resident organizations full opportunity for input in the homeownership planning process, and full consideration of their concerns and opinions.

    (b) Resident initiatives. Where individual residents, a resident management corporation (RMC), or another form of resident organization may wish to initiate discussion of a possible homeownership plan, the IHA shall negotiate with them in good faith. Joint development and submission of the plan by the IHA and RMC, or other resident organization, is encouraged. In addition, participation of an RMC or other resident organization in the implementation of the plan is encouraged. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0201).