§ 950.490 - Development program.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In addition to complying with the requirements of § 950.260, the IHA's development program for a SH project submitted to HUD shall include the following:

    (1) IHA coordination plan. The plan for organizing and implementing the development, including elements comparable to those covered in the standard Mutual Help construction contract, and the method of coordinating work of participating families and skilled contractors.

    (2) Difference in cost. A description of how the development cost differs from the cost for a project constructed under a construction contract. This difference should reflect the labor contribution, after considering the construction supervision cost.

    (3) Special provisions for acquisition with rehabilitation projects. A description of the repair or rehabilitation work needed on each home to be acquired. The work needed on all the homes should be reasonably comparable in the amount of labor exchange that is required. The estimated number of hours of labor and a description of the work to be done shall be provided.

    (4) Certification of participation. Certification by the IHA that the participating families have signed the SH agreement and remain able to fulfill their obligations under the SH agreement.

    (5) Changes since application stage. Statement of any changes in the data submitted in the application.

    (b) HUD will review the development program submitted by an IHA for a SH project with particular attention to the elements listed in paragraph (a) of this section.