§ 170.471 - How are projects administered?  

Latest version.
  • § 170.471 How are projects administered?

    (a) When a Tribe carries out a TTP project, the project will be administered in accordance with a self-determination contract, self-governance agreement, Program Agreement or other appropriate agreement and this regulation.

    (b) If BIA or FHWA discovers a problem during an on-site monitoring visit, BIA or FHWA must promptly notify the Tribe and, if asked, provide technical assistance.

    (c) Only the State-licensed professional engineer of record whose name and professional stamp appear on the PS&E or who is responsible for the overall project design may change a TTP project's PS&E during construction.

    (1) The original approving agency must review each substantial change. The approving agency is the Federal, Tribal, State, or local entity with PS&E approval authority over the project.

    (2) The approving agency must consult with the affected Tribe and the entity having maintenance responsibility.

    (3) A change that exceeds the limits of available funding may be made only with the approving agency's consent.