§ 79.67 - Proof of chronic renal disease.

Latest version.
  • § 79.67 Proof of chronic renal disease.

    (a) In determining whether a claimant developed chronic renal disease following pertinent employment as an ore transporter, the Assistant Director shall resolve all reasonable doubt in favor of the claimant. A conclusion that a claimant developed chronic renal disease must be supported by medical documentation.

    (b) A claimant or beneficiary may submit any of the following forms of medical documentation in support of a claim that the claimant contracted chronic renal disease.

    (1) Pathology report of tissue biopsy;

    (2) If laboratory or radiographic tests exist:

    (i) Abnormal plasma creatinine values;

    (ii) Abnormal glomerular filtration rate (by either measured creatinine or iothalamate clearance or calculated by MDRD equation); and

    (iii) Renal tubular dysfunction as evidenced by:

    (A) Glycosuria in the absence of diabetes mellitus;

    (B) Proteinuria less than one gram daily without other known etiology; or

    (C) Hyperphosphaturia, aminoaciduria, B-2 microglobinuria or alkaline phosphaturia or other marker of proximal tubular injury; or

    (iv) Radiographic evidence of chronic renal disease;

    (3) Autopsy report;

    (4) Physician summary report;

    (5) Hospital discharge summary report;

    (6) Hospital admitting report; or

    (7) Death certificate, provided that it is signed by a physician at the time of death.