Part 29 - Federal Benefit Payments Under Certain District of Columbia Retirement Programs  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 29.101 - Purpose and scope.
§ 29.102 - Related regulations.
§ 29.103 - Definitions.
§ 29.104 - Schedule for Federal Benefit Payments.
§ 29.105 - Computation of time.
§ 29.106 - Representative payees.
Subpart B - Coordination With the District Government
§ 29.201 - Purpose and scope.
§ 29.202 - Definitions.
§ 29.203 - Service of Process.
Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 29 - Addresses for Service Under § 29.203
Subpart C - Split Benefits
§ 29.301 - Purpose and scope.
§ 29.302 - Definitions.
§ 29.311 - Credit only for service performed on or before June 30, 1997.
§ 29.312 - All requirements for credit must be satisfied by June 30, 1997.
§ 29.313 - Federal Benefit Payments are computed based on retirement eligibility as of the separation date and service creditable as of June 30, 1997.
§ 29.321 - General principle.
§ 29.322 - Disability benefits.
§ 29.331 - General principle.
§ 29.332 - Unused sick leave.
§ 29.333 - Military service.
§ 29.334 - Deposit service.
§ 29.335 - Refunded service.
§ 29.341 - General principle.
§ 29.342 - Computed annuity exceeds the statutory maximum.
§ 29.343 - Disability benefits.
§ 29.344 - Survivor benefits.
§ 29.345 - Annuity adjustments.
§ 29.346 - Reduction for survivor benefits.
§ 29.351 - General principle.
§ 29.352 - Refunded contributions.
§ 29.353 - Refunded deposits.
Service Performed After June 30, 1997
General Principles for Determining Service Credit to Calculate Federal Benefit Payments
All Requirements for Credit Must Be Satisfied by June 30, 1997
Calculation of the Amount of Federal Benefit Payments
Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 29 - Examples
Subpart D - Claims and Appeals Procedures
§ 29.401 - Purpose.
§ 29.402 - Definitions.
§ 29.403 - Applications filed with the Benefits Administrator.
§ 29.404 - Initial benefit determinations and reconsideration by the Benefits Administrator.
§ 29.405 - Appeals to the Department.
§ 29.406 - Judicial review.
§ 29.407 - Competing claimants.
Subpart E - Debt Collection and Waivers of Collection
§ 29.501 - Purpose; incorporation by reference; scope.
§ 29.502 - Definitions.
§ 29.503 - Prohibition against collection of debts.
§ 29.504 - Status of debts.
§ 29.505 - Compromise of debts; termination and suspension of collection actions.
§ 29.506 - Recovery of other debts owed to the United States.
Collection of Overpayments
§ 29.511 - Demand letters.
§ 29.512 - Reconsideration by the Benefits Administrator.
§ 29.513 - Appeals to the Department.
§ 29.514 - Requests for waiver and/or compromise.
§ 29.515 - Judicial review.
§ 29.516 - Collection of overpayments.
§ 29.517 - Collection by offset.
§ 29.518 - Reporting delinquent debts to credit bureaus.
§ 29.519 - Referral to a collection agency.
§ 29.520 - Referral for litigation.
Standards for Waiver of Overpayments
§ 29.521 - Conditions for waiver and other adjustments.
§ 29.522 - Fault.
§ 29.523 - Equity and good conscience.
§ 29.524 - Financial hardship.
§ 29.525 - Ordinary and necessary living expenses.
§ 29.526 - Waiver precluded.