§ 634.33 - Training of law enforcement personnel.  

Latest version.
  • § 634.33 Training of law enforcement personnel.

    (a) As a minimum, installation law enforcement personnel will be trained to do the following:

    (1) Recognize signs of alcohol and other drug impairment in persons operating motor vehicles.

    (2) Prepare DD Form 1920 (Alcohol Influence Report).

    (3) Perform the three field tests of the improved sobriety testing techniques (§ 634.36 (b)).

    (4) Determine when a person appears intoxicated but is actually physically or mentally ill and requires prompt medical attention.

    (5) Understand the operation of breath-testing devices.

    (b) Each installation using breath-testing devices will ensure that operators of these devices -

    (1) Are chosen for integrity, maturity, and sound judgment.

    (2) Meet certification requirements of the State where the installation is located.

    (c) Installations located in States or overseas areas having a formal breath-testing and certification program should ensure operators attend that training.

    (d) Installations located in States or overseas areas with no formal training program will train personnel at courses offered by selected civilian institutions or manufacturers of the equipment.

    (e) Operators must maintain proficiency through refresher training every 18 months or as required by the State.