§ 301.3 - What kinds of activities may be assisted?  

Latest version.
  • Under the Preschool Grants program, the Secretary makes a grant to a State to conduct the following activities:

    (a) Provide subgrants to LEAs and IEUs to assist them in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities aged 3 through 5 years, and, if consistent with State policy, provide a free appropriate public education to 2-year-old children with disabilities who will reach age 3 during the school year, whether or not those children are receiving, or have received, services under part H of the Act.

    (b) Plan and develop a statewide comprehensive service delivery system for children with disabilities from birth through age 5 years.

    (c) Provide direct and support services from the SEA to children with disabilities aged 3 through 5 years, and, at the State's discretion, provide a free appropriate public education, in accordance with the Act, to 2-year-old children with disabilities who will reach age 3 during the school year, whether or not those children are receiving, or have received, services under part H.