Subpart M - Two Year Cohort Default Rates  

§ 668.181 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 668.182 - Definitions of terms used in this subpart.
§ 668.183 - Calculating and applying cohort default rates.
§ 668.184 - Determining cohort default rates for institutions that have undergone a change in status.
§ 668.185 - Draft cohort default rates and your ability to challenge before official cohort default rates are issued.
§ 668.186 - Notice of your official cohort default rate.
§ 668.187 - Consequences of cohort default rates on your ability to participate in Title IV, HEA programs.
§ 668.188 - Preventing evasion of the consequences of cohort default rates.
§ 668.189 - General requirements for adjusting official cohort default rates and for appealing their consequences.
§ 668.190 - Uncorrected data adjustments.
§ 668.191 - New data adjustments.
§ 668.192 - Erroneous data appeals.
§ 668.193 - Loan servicing appeals.
§ 668.194 - Economically disadvantaged appeals.
§ 668.195 - Participation rate index appeals.
§ 668.196 - Average rates appeals.
§ 668.197 - Thirty-or-fewer borrowers appeals.
§ 668.198 - xxx
Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 668 - Summaries of Eligibility and Submission Requirements for Challenges, Adjustments, and Appeals
Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 668 - Sample Default Management Plan for Special Institutions to Use When Complying With § 668.198