Appendix A to Subpart H of Part 35 - Requirements for Diagnostic-Feasibility Studies and Environmental Evaluations  

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  • Phase 1 clean lakes projects shall include in their scope of work at least the following requirements, preferably in the order presented and under appropriate subheadings. The information required by paragraph (a)(10) and the monitoring procedures stated in paragraph (b)(3) of this appendix may be modified to conform to specific project requirements to reduce project costs without jeopardizing adequacy of technical information or the integrity of the project. All modifications must be approved by the EPA project officer as specified in §§35.1650-3(b)(1) and 35.1650-3(c)(1).

    (a) A diagnostic study consisting of:

    (1) An identification of the lake to be restored or studied, including the name, the State in which it is located, the location within the State, the general hydrologic relationship to associated upstream and downstream waters and the approved State water quality standards for the lake.

    (2) A geological description of the drainage basin including soil types and soil loss to stream courses that are tributary to the lake.

    (3) A description of the public access to the lake including the amount and type of public transportation to the access points.

    (4) A description of the size and economic structure of the population residing near the lake which would use the improved lake for recreation and other purposes.

    (5) A summary of historical lake uses, including recreational uses up to the present time, and how these uses may have changed because of water quality degradation.

    (6) An explanation, if a particular segment of the lake user population is or will be more adversely impacted by lake degradation.

    (7) A statement regarding the water use of the lake compared to other lakes within a 80 kilometer radius.

    (8) An itemized inventory of known point source pollution discharges affecting or which have affected lake water quality over the past 5 years, and the abatement actions for these discharges that have been taken, or are in progress. If corrective action for the pollution sources is contemplated in the future, the time period should be specified.

    (9) A description of the land uses in the lake watershed, listing each land use classification as a percentage of the whole and discussing the amount of nonpoint pollutant loading produced by each category.

    (10) A discussion and analysis of historical baseline limnological data and one year of current limnological data. The monitoring schedule presented in paragraph (b)(3) of appendix A must be followed in obtaining the one year of current limnological data. This presentation shall include the present trophic condition of the lake as well as its surface area (hectares), maximum depth (meters), average depth (meters), hydraulic residence time, the area of the watershed draining to the lake (hectares), and the physical, chemical, and biological quality of the lake and important lake tributary waters. Bathymetric maps should be provided. If dredging is expected to be included in the restoration activities, representative bottom sediment core samples shall be collected and analyzed using methods approved by the EPA project officer for phosphorus, nitrogen, heavy metals, other chemicals appropriate to State water quality standards, and persistent synthetic organic chemicals where appropriate. Further, the elutriate must be subjected to test procedures developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and analyzed for the same constituents. An assessment of the phosphorus (and nitrogen when it is the limiting lake nutrient) inflows and outflows associated with the lake and a hydraulic budget including ground water flow must be included. Vertical temperature and dissolved oxygen data must be included for the lake to determine if the hypolimnion becomes anaerobic and, if so, for how long and over what extent of the bottom. Total and soluble reactive phosphorus (P); and nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and organic nitrogen (N) concentrations must be determined for the lake. Chlorophyll a values should be measured for the upper mixing zone. Representative alkalinities should be determined. Algal assay bottle test data or total N to total P ratios should be used to define the growth limiting nutrient. The extent of algal blooms, and the predominant algal genera must be discussed. Algal biomass should be determined through algal genera identification, cell density counts (numbers of cells per milliliter) and converted to cell volume based on factors derived from direct measurements; and reported in biomass of each major genus identified. Secchi disk depth and suspended solids should be measured and reported. The portion of the shoreline and bottom that is impacted by vascular plants (submersed, floating, or emersed higher aquatic vegetation) must be estimated, specifically the lake surface area between 0 and the 10 meter depth contour or twice the Secchi disk transparency depth, whichever is less, and that estimate should include an identification of the predominant species. Where a lake is subject to significant public contact use or is fished for consumptive purposes, monitoring for public health reasons should be part of the monitoring program. Standard bacteriological analyses and fish flesh analyses for organic and heavy metal contamination should be included.

    (11) An identification and discussion of the biological resources in the lake, such as fish population, and a discussion of the major known ecological relationships.

    (b) A feasibility study consisting of:

    (1) An identification and discussion of the alternatives considered for pollution control or lake restoration and an identification and justification of the selected alternative. This should include a discussion of expected water quality improvement, technical feasibility, and estimated costs of each alternative. The discussion of each feasible alternative and the selected lake restoration procedure must include detailed descriptions specifying exactly what activities would be undertaken under each, showing how and where these procedures would be implemented, illustrating the engineering specifications that would be followed including preliminary engineering drawings to show in detail the construction aspects of the project, and presenting a quantitative analysis of the pollution control effectiveness and the lake water quality improvement that is anticipated.

    (2) A discussion of the particular benefits expected to result from implementing the project, including new public water uses that may result from the enhanced water quality.

    (3) A Phase 2 monitoring program indicating the water quality sampling schedule. A limited monitoring program must be maintained during project implementation, particularly during construction phases or in-lake treatment, to provide sufficient data that will allow the State and the EPA project officer to redirect the project if necessary, to ensure desired objectives are achieved. During pre-project, implementation, and post-project monitoring activities, a single in-lake site should be sampled monthly during the months of September through April and biweekly during May through August. This site must be located in an area that best represents the limnological properties of the lake, preferably the deepest point in the lake. Additional sampling sites may be warranted in cases where lake basin morphometry creates distinctly different hydrologic and limnologic sub-basins; or where major lake tributaries adversely affect lake water quality. The sampling schedule may be shifted according to seasonal differences at various latitudes. The biweekly samples must be scheduled to coincide with the period of elevated biological activity. If possible, a set of samples should be collected immediately following spring turnover of the lake. Samples must be collected between 0800 and 1600 hours of each sampling day unless diel studies are part of the monitoring program. Samples must be collected between one-half meter below the surface and one-half meter off the bottom, and must be collected at intervals of every one and one-half meters, or at six equal depth intervals, whichever number of samples is less. Collection and analyses of all samples must be conducted according to EPA approved methods. All of the samples collected must be analyzed for total and soluble reactive phosphorus; nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and organic nitrogen; pH; temperature; and dissolved oxygen. Representative alkalinities should be determined. Samples collected in the upper mixing zone must be analyzed for chlorophyll a. Algal biomass in the upper mixing zone should be determined through algal genera identification, cell density counts (number of cells per milliliter) and converted to cell volume based on factors derived from direct measurements; and reported in terms of biomass of each major genera identified. Secchi disk depth and suspended solids must be measured at each sampling period. The surface area of the lake covered by macrophytes between 0 and the 10 meter depth contour or twice the Secchi disk transparency depth, whichever is less, must be reported. The monitoring program for each clean lakes project must include all the required information mentioned above, in addition to any specific measurements that are found to be necessary to assess certain aspects of the project. Based on the information supplied by the Phase 2 project applicant and the technical evaluation of the proposal, a detailed monitoring program for Phase 2 will be established for each approved project and will be a condition of the cooperative agreement. Phase 2 projects will be monitored for at least one year after construction or pollution control practices are completed to evaluate project effectiveness.

    (4) A proposed milestone work schedule for completing the project with a proposed budget and a payment schedule that is related to the milestone.

    (5) A detailed description of how non-Federal funds will be obtained for the proposed project.

    (6) A description of the relationship of the proposed project to pollution control programs such as the section 201 construction grants program, the section 208 areawide wastewater management program, the Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service and Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service programs, the Department of Housing and Urban Development block grant program, the Department of Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service programs and any other local, State, regional and Federal programs that may be related to the proposed project. Copies of any pertinent correspondence, contracts, grant applications and permits associated with these programs should be provided to the EPA project officer.

    (7) A summary of public participation in developing and assessing the proposed project which is in compliance with part 25 of this chapter. The summary shall describe the matters brought before the public, the measures taken by the reporting agency to meet its responsibilities under part 25 and related provisions elsewhere in this chapter, the public response, and the agency's response to significant comments. Section 25.8 responsiveness summaries may be used to meet appropriate portions of these requirements to avoid duplication.

    (8) A description of the operation and maintenance plan that the State will follow, including the time frame over which this plan will be operated, to ensure that the pollution controls implemented during the project are continued after the project is completed.

    (9) Copies of all permits or pending permit applications (including the status of such applications) necessary to satisfy the requirements of section 404 of the Act. If the approved project includes dredging activities or other activities requiring permits, the State must obtain from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or other agencies the permits required for the discharge of dredged or fill material under section 404 of the Act or other Federal, State or local requirements. Should additional information be required to obtain these permits, the State shall provide it. Copies of section 404 permit applications and any associated correspondence must be provide to the EPA project officer at the time they are submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. After reviewing the 404 permit application, the project officer may provide recommendations for appropriate controls and treatment of supernatant derived from dredged material disposal sites to ensure the maximum effectiveness of lake restoration procedures.

    (c) States shall complete and submit an environmental evaluation which considers the questions listed below. In many cases the questions cannot be satisfactorily answered with a mere “Yes” or “No”. States are encouraged to address other considerations which they believe apply to their project.

    (1) Will the proposed project displace any people?

    (2) Will the proposed project deface existing residences or residential areas? What mitigative actions such as landscaping, screening, or buffer zones have been considered? Are they included?

    (3) Will the proposed project be likely to lead to a change in established land use patterns, such as increased development pressure near the lake? To what extent and how will this change be controlled through land use planning, zoning, or through other methods?

    (4) Will the proposed project adversly affect a significant amount of prime agricultural land or agricultural operations on such land?

    (5) Will the proposed project result in a significant adverse effect on parkland, other public land, or lands of recognized scenic value?

    (6) Has the State Historical Society or State Historical Preservation Officer been contacted? Has he responded, and if so, what was the nature of that response? Will the proposed project result in a significant adversely effect on lands or structures of historic, architectural, archaeological or cultural value?

    (7) Will the proposed project lead to a significant long-range increase in energy demands?

    (8) Will the proposed project result in significant and long range adverse changes in ambient air quality or noise levels? Short term?

    (9) If the proposed project involves the use of in-lake chemical treatment, what long and short term adverse effects can be expected from that treatment? How will the project recipient mitigate these effects?

    (10) Does the proposal contain all the information that EPA requires in order to determine whether the project complies with Executive Order 11988 on floodplains? Is the proposed project located in a floodplain? If so, will the project involve construction of structures in the floodplain? What steps will be taken to reduce the possible effects of flood damage to the project?

    (11) If the project involves physically modifying the lake shore or its bed or its watershed, by dredging, for example, what steps will be taken to minimize any immediate and long term adverse effects of such activities? When dredging is employed, where will the dredged material be deposited, what can be expected and what measures will the recipient employ to minimize any significant adverse impacts from its deposition?

    (12) Does the project proposal contain all information that EPA requires in order to determine whether the project complies with Executive Order 11990 on wetlands? Will the proposed project have a significant adverse effect on fish and wildlife, or on wetlands or any other wildife habitat, especially those of endangered species? How significant is this impact in relation to the local or regional critical habitat needs? Have actions to mitigate habitat destruction been incorporated into the project? Has the recipient properly consulted with appropriate State and Federal fish, game and wildlife agencies and with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? What were their replies?

    (13) Describe any feasible alternatives to the proposed project in terms of environmental impacts, commitment of resources, public interest and costs and why they were not proposed.

    (14) Describe other measures not discussed previously that are necessary to mitigate adverse environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of the proposed project.