§ 6.706 - Environmental impact statement.

Latest version.
  • (a) Criteria for preparation. In performing the environmental review, the appropriate program official shall assure that an EIS is prepared when any of the conditions under § 6.108 (a) through (g) exist or when:

    (1) The proposed action may significantly affect the environment through the release of radioactive, hazardous or toxic substances;

    (2) The proposed action, through the release of an organism or organisms, may involve environmental effects which are significant;

    (3) The proposed action involves effects upon the environment which are likely to be highly controversial;

    (4) The proposed action involves environmental effects which may accumulate over time or combine with effects of other actions to create impacts which are significant;

    (5) The proposed action involves uncertain environmental effects or highly unique environmental risks which may be significant.

    (b) ORD actions which may require preparation of an EIS. There are no ORD actions which normally require the preparation of an EIS. However, each ORD project will be evaluated using the EIS criteria as stated in § 6.706(a) to determine whether an EIS must be prepared.

    (c) Notice of intent. (1) If the environmental review reveals that a proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and this effect cannot be eliminated by redirection of the research or other means, the appropriate program official shall issue a notice of intent to prepare an EIS pursuant to § 6.400(b).

    (2) As soon as possible after release of the notice of intent, the appropriate program official shall ensure that a draft EIS is prepared in accordance with subpart B and that the public is involved in accordance with subpart D.

    (3) Draft and final EISs shall be sent to the Assistant Administrator for ORD for approval.

    (4) Pursuant to § 6.401(b), a decision on whether to undertake or fund a project must be made in conformance with the time frames indicated.

    (d) Record of decision. Before the project is undertaken or funded, the appropriate program official shall prepare, in accordance with § 6.105 (g) and (h), a record of decision in any case where a final EIS has been issued.
