§ 101-47.304-9 - Negotiated disposals.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Disposal agencies shall obtain such competition as is feasible under the circumstances in all negotiations of disposals and contracts for disposal of surplus property. They may dispose of surplus property by negotiation only in the following situations:

    (1) When the estimated fair market value of the property involved does not exceed $15,000;

    (2) When bid prices after advertising therefor are not reasonable (either as to all or some part of the property) or have not been independently arrived at in open competition;

    (3) When the character or conditions of the property or unusual circumstances make it impractical to advertise publicly for competitive bids and the fair market value of the property and other satisfactory terms of disposal can be obtained by negotiation;

    (4) When the disposals will be to States, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, possessions, political subdivisions thereof, or tax-supported agencies therein, and the estimated fair market value of the property and other satisfactory terms of disposal are obtained by negotiation; or

    (5) When negotiation is otherwise authorized by the Act or other law, such as:

    (i) Disposals of power transmission lines for public or cooperative power projects (see § 101-47.308-1).

    (ii) Disposals for public airport utilization (see § 101-47.308-2).

    (b) Appraisal data required pursuant to the provisions of § 101-47.303-4, when needed for the purpose of conducting negotiations under § 101-47.304-9(a) (3), (4), or (5)(i) shall be obtained under contractual arrangements with experienced and qualified real estate appraisers familiar with the types of property to be appraised by them: Provided, however, That in any case where the cost of obtaining such data from a contract appraiser would be out of proportion to the expected recoverable value of the property, or if for any other reason employing a contract appraiser would not be in the best interest of the Government, the head of the disposal agency or his designee should authorize any other method of obtaining an estimate of the fair market value of the property or the fair annual rental he may deem to be proper.

    (c) Negotiated sales to public bodies under 40 U.S.C. 484(e)(3)(H) will be considered only when the disposal agency has made a determination that a public benefit will result from the negotiated sale which would not be realized from a competitive sale disposal. The offer to purchase and the conveyance document concerning such negotiated sales shall contain an excess profits covenant. A standard Excess Profits Covenant for Negotiated Sales to Public Bodies is illustrated in § 101-47.4908. The standard covenant is provided as a guide, and appropriate modifications may be made provided that its basic purpose is retained. The disposal agency shall monitor the property involved and inspect records related thereto as necessary to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the sale and may take any actions which it deems reasonable and prudent to recover any excess profits realized through the resale of the property.

    (d) The annual report of the Administrator under section 212 of the Act shall contain or be accompanied by a listing and description of any negotiated disposals of surplus real property having an estimated fair market value of over $15,000, other than disposals for which an explanatory statement has been transmitted under § 101-47.304-12.