Part 101-48 - Utilization, Donation, or Disposal of Abandoned and Forfeited Personal Property  

§ 101-48.001-1 - Abandoned or other unclaimed property.
§ 101-48.001-2 - Distilled spirits.
§ 101-48.001-3 - Eleemosynary institution.
§ 101-48.001-4 - Firearms.
§ 101-48.001-5 - Forfeited property.
§ 101-48.001-6 - Malt beverages.
§ 101-48.001-7 - Property.
§ 101-48.001-8 - Voluntarily abandoned property.
§ 101-48.001-9 - Wine.
§ 101-48.001-10 - Drug paraphernalia.
§ 101-48.000 - Cross-reference to the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) (41 CFR chapter 102, part 102-41).
§ 101-48.001 - Definitions.
Subpart 101-48.1 - Utilization of Abandoned and Forfeited Personal Property
§ 101-48.101-1 - Sources of property available for utilization.
§ 101-48.101-2 - Custody of property.
§ 101-48.101-3 - Cost of care and handling.
§ 101-48.101-4 - Retention by holding agency.
§ 101-48.101-5 - Property required to be reported.
§ 101-48.101-6 - Transfer to other Federal agencies.
§ 101-48.101-7 - Reimbursement and costs incident to transfer.
§ 101-48.101-8 - Billing.
§ 101-48.101-9 - Disposition of proceeds.
§ 101-48.102-1 - Vesting of title in the United States.
§ 101-48.102-2 - Reporting.
§ 101-48.102-3 - Reimbursement.
§ 101-48.102-4 - Proceeds.
§ 101-48.100 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-48.101 - Forfeited or voluntarily abandoned property.
§ 101-48.102 - Abandoned or other unclaimed property.
Subpart 101-48.2 - Donation of Abandoned and Forfeited Personal Property
§ 101-48.201-1 - General.
§ 101-48.201-2 - Establishment of eligibility.
§ 101-48.201-3 - Requests by institutions.
§ 101-48.201-4 - Filling requests.
§ 101-48.201-5 - Donation of lots not required to be reported.
§ 101-48.201-6 - Packing and shipping costs.
§ 101-48.200 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-48.201 - Donation of forfeited distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages.
§ 101-48.202 - Donation of forfeited drug paraphernalia.
Subpart 101-48.3 - Disposal of Abandoned and Forfeited Personal Property
§ 101-48.306-1 - Abandoned or other unclaimed property.
§ 101-48.306-2 - Forfeited or voluntarily abandoned property.
§ 101-48.300 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-48.301 - General.
§ 101-48.302 - Distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages.
§ 101-48.303 - Firearms.
§ 101-48.304 - Drug paraphernalia.
§ 101-48.305 - Property other than distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, firearms, and drug paraphernalia.
§ 101-48.306 - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
Subpart 101-48.49 - Illustrations of Forms
§ 101-48.4902-18 - GSA Form 18, Application of Eleemosynary Institution.
§ 101-48.4900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-48.4901 - [Reserved]
§ 101-48.4902 - GSA forms.