Part 109-40 - Transportation and Traffic Management

Subpart 109-40.1 - General Provisions
§ 109-40.000 - Scope of part.
§ 109-40.110-1 - Small business assistance.
§ 109-40.110-2 - Minority business enterprises.
§ 109-40.000-50 - Applicability to contractors.
§ 109-40.102 - Representation before regulatory bodies.
§ 109-40.103 - Selection of carriers.
§ 109-40.104 - Use of Government-owned transportation equipment.
§ 109-40.105 - Use of Government-owned transportation equipment.
§ 109-40.109 - Utilization of special contracts and agreements.
§ 109-40.110 - Assistance to economically disadvantaged transportation businesses.
§ 109-40.112 - Transportation factors in the location of Government facilities.
§ 109-40.113 - Insurance against transportation hazards.
§ 109-40.103-1 - Domestic transportation.
§ 109-40.103-2 - Disqualification and suspension of carriers.
§ 109-40.103-3 - International transportation.
Subpart 109-40.3 - Traffic Management
§ 109-40.301 - Traffic management functions administration.
§ 109-40.302 - Standard routing principle.
§ 109-40.304 - Rate tenders to the Government.
§ 109-40.303-3 - Most fuel efficient carrier/mode.
§ 109-40.305-50 - [Reserved]
§ 109-40.306-1 - Recommended rate tender format.
§ 109-40.306-2 - Required shipping documents and annotations.
§ 109-40.306-3 - Distribution.
Subpart 109-40.50 - Bills of Lading
§ 109-40.5000 - Scope of subpart.
§ 109-40.5001 - Policy.
§ 109-40.5002 - Applicability.
§ 109-40.5003 - Commercial bills of lading.
§ 109-40.5004 - Government bills of lading.
§ 109-40.5005 - Description of property for shipment.
Subpart 109-40.51 - Price-Anderson Coverage Certifications for Nuclear Shipments
§ 109-40.5100 - Scope of subpart.
§ 109-40.5101 - Policy.