Subpart C - Return Transportation of a POV From a Post of Duty  

§ 302-9.200 - When am I eligible for return transportation of a POV from my post of duty?
§ 302-9.201 - In what situations will my agency pay to transport a POV from my post of duty?
§ 302-9.202 - When do I become entitled to return transportation of my POV from my post of duty to an authorized destination?
§ 302-9.203 - Is there any circumstance under which I may be authorized to transport my POV from a post of duty before completing my service agreement?
§ 302-9.204 - What is the “authorized point of origin” when I transport my POV from my post of duty?
§ 302-9.205 - What is the “authorized destination” of a POV transported under this subpart?
§ 302-9.206 - What should I do if there is no port or terminal at my authorized point of origin or authorized destination when I transport a POV from my post of duty?
§ 302-9.207 - What will I be reimbursed if I transport my POV from a point of origin or to a destination that is different from my authorized origin or destination?
§ 302-9.208 - If I retain my POV at my post of duty after conditions change to make use of the POV no longer in the best interest of the Government, may I transport it at Government expense from the post of duty at a later date?
§ 302-9.209 - Under what conditions may my agency authorize me to transport from my post of duty a replacement POV purchased at that post of duty?