Part 2740 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act  

Subpart 2740 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act: General
§ 2740.0-1 - Purpose.
§ 2740.0-2 - Objective.
§ 2740.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2740.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 2740.0-6 - Policy.
§ 2740.0-7 - Cross references.
§ 2740.0-9 - Information collection.
Subpart 2741 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act: Requirements
§ 2741.1 - Lands subject to disposition.
§ 2741.2 - Qualified applicants.
§ 2741.3 - Preapplication consultation.
§ 2741.4 - Applications.
§ 2741.5 - Guidelines for conveyances and leases under the act.
§ 2741.6 - Applications for transfer or change of use.
§ 2741.7 - Acreage limitations and general conditions.
§ 2741.8 - Price.
§ 2741.9 - Patent provisions.
Subpart 2742 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act: Omitted Lands and Unsurveyed Islands
§ 2742.1 - Lands subject to disposition.
§ 2742.2 - Qualifications of applicants.
§ 2742.3 - Survey requirement.
§ 2742.4 - Conveyance limitations.
§ 2742.5 - Consistency with other laws.
Subpart 2743 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act: Solid Waste Disposal
§ 2743.1 - Applicable regulations.
§ 2743.2 - New disposal sites.
§ 2743.3 - Leased disposal sites.
§ 2743.4 - Patented disposal sites.
§ 2743.2-1 - Patent provisions for new disposal sites.
§ 2743.3-1 - Patent provisions for leased disposal sites.