§ 170.430 - Review of application.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Method of review and review timeframe. (1) Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received.

    (2) The National Coordinator will review Part 1 of the application in its entirety and determine whether Part 1 of the application is complete and satisfactory before proceeding to review Part 2 of the application in its entirety.

    (3) The National Coordinator is permitted up to 30 days to review an application (submitted for the first time) upon receipt.

    (b) Application deficiencies.

    (1) If the National Coordinator identifies an area in an application that requires the applicant to clarify a statement or correct an error or omission, the National Coordinator may contact the applicant to make such clarification or correction without issuing a deficiency notice. If the National Coordinator has not received the requested information after five days, the applicant may be issued a deficiency notice specifying the error, omission, or deficient statement.

    (2) If the National Coordinator determines that deficiencies in either part of the application exist, the National Coordinator will issue a deficiency notice to the applicant and return the application. The deficiency notice will identify the areas of the application that require additional information or correction.

    (c) Revised application.

    (1) An applicant is permitted to submit a revised application in response to a deficiency notice. An applicant may request an extension for good cause from the National Coordinator of the 15-day period provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section to submit a revised application.

    (2) In order to continue to be considered for ONC-ATCB status, an applicant's revised application must address the specified deficiencies and be received by the National Coordinator within 15 days of the applicant's receipt of the deficiency notice unless the National Coordinator grants an applicant's request for an extension of the 15-day period based on a finding of good cause. If a good cause extension is granted, then the revised application must be received by the end of the extension period.

    (3) The National Coordinator is permitted up to 15 days to review a revised application once it has been received and may request clarification of statements and the correction of errors or omissions in a revised application during this time period.

    (4) If the National Coordinator determines that a revised application still contains deficiencies, the applicant will be issued a denial notice indicating that the applicant will no longer be considered for authorization under the temporary certification program. An applicant may request reconsideration of a denial in accordance with §170.435.

    (d) Satisfactory application. (1) An application will be deemed satisfactory if it meets all application requirements, including a passing score on the proficiency examination.

    (2) The National Coordinator will notify the applicant's authorized representative of its satisfactory application and its successful achievement of ONC-ATCB status.

    (3) Once notified by the National Coordinator of its successful achievement of ONC-ATCB status, the applicant may represent itself as an ONC-ATCB and begin testing and certifying Complete EHRs and/or EHR Modules consistent with its authorization.