Part 177 - Construction and Arrangement  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 177.100 - General requirement.
§ 177.115 - Applicability to existing vessels.
Subpart B - Plans
§ 177.202 - Plans and information required.
§ 177.210 - Plans for sister vessels.
Subpart C - Hull Structure
§ 177.300 - Structural design.
§ 177.310 - Satisfactory service as a design basis.
§ 177.315 - Vessels of not more than 19.8 meters (65 feet) in length carrying not more than 12 passengers.
§ 177.330 - Sailing vessels.
§ 177.340 - Alternate design considerations.
Subpart D - Fire Protection
§ 177.405 - General arrangement and outfitting.
§ 177.410 - Structural fire protection.
§ 177.420 - Vessels complying with SOLAS structural fire protection requirements.
Subpart E - Escape Requirements
§ 177.500 - Means of escape.
Subpart F - Ventilation
§ 177.600 - Ventilation of enclosed and partially enclosed spaces.
§ 177.620 - Ventilation of machinery and fuel tank spaces.
Subpart G - Crew Spaces
§ 177.700 - General requirements.
§ 177.710 - Overnight accommodations.
Subpart H - Passenger Accommodations
§ 177.800 - General requirements.
§ 177.810 - Overnight accommodations.
§ 177.820 - Seating.
Subpart I - Rails and Guards
§ 177.900 - Deck rails.
§ 177.920 - Storm rails.
§ 177.940 - Guards in vehicle spaces.
§ 177.960 - Guards for exposed hazards.
§ 177.970 - Protection against hot piping.
Subpart J - Window Construction and Visibility
§ 177.1010 - Safety glazing materials.
§ 177.1020 - Strength.
§ 177.1030 - Operating station visibility.