Part 550 - Regulations to Adjust or Meet Conditions Unfavorable to Shipping in the Foreign Trade of the United States  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 550.101 - Purpose.
§ 550.102 - Scope.
§ 550.103 - Definitions.
§ 550.104 - Confidentiality.
§ 550.105 - Consultation.
Subpart B - Production of Information
§ 550.201 - Information orders.
§ 550.202 - Type of information.
§ 550.203 - Failure to provide information.
Subpart C - Conditions Unfavorable to Shipping
§ 550.301 - Findings.
Subpart D - Petitions for Section 19 Relief
§ 550.401 - Who may file.
§ 550.402 - Filing of petitions.
§ 550.403 - Contents of petitions.
§ 550.404 - Amendment or dismissal of petitions.
Subpart E - Proceedings
§ 550.501 - Participation of interested persons.
§ 550.502 - Discovery.
§ 550.503 - Subpoenas.
§ 550.504 - Witness fees.
§ 550.505 - Failure to supply information.
§ 550.506 - Enforcement of orders.
§ 550.507 - Postponement, discontinuance, or suspension of action.
§ 550.508 - Publication, content, and effective date of regulation.
Subpart F - Corrective Actions
§ 550.601 - Actions to correct unfavorable conditions.
§ 550.602 - Penalty.