Part 1832 - Contract Financing  

Subpart 1832.1 - Other Than Commercial Products and Services Financing
§ 1832.111 - Contractor clauses for other than commercial purchases.
§ 1832.170 - Voluntary refunds.
§ 1832.111-70 - NASA contract clause.
Subpart 1832.2 - Commercial Item Purchase Financing
§ 1832.206 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. (NASA supplements paragraph (g))
§ 1832.202-1 - Policy. (NASA supplements paragraph (b))
Subpart 1832.4 - Advance Payments for Non-Commercial Items
§ 1832.410-70 - Instructions for determinations and findings.
§ 1832.402 - General. (NASA supplements paragraph (e))
§ 1832.406 - Letters of credit. (NASA supplements paragraph (b))
§ 1832.407 - Interest. (NASA supplements paragraph (d))
§ 1832.409 - Contracting officer action.
§ 1832.410 - Findings, determination, and authorization. (NASA supplements paragraph (b))
§ 1832.412 - Contract clause. (NASA supplement paragraphs (e) and (f))
§ 1832.402-1 - Small Business Innovation Research contracts.
§ 1832.402-2 - Expendable launch vehicle services contracts.
§ 1832.412-70 - NASA Contract clauses.
§ 1832.406-70 - Federal Cash Transactions Report.
§ 1832.409-1 - Recommendation for approval.
§ 1832.409-3 - Security, supervision, and covenants.
§ 1832.409-170 - NASA procedure for approval.
Subpart 1832.5 - Progress Payments Based on Costs
§ 1832.501 - General.
§ 1832.502 - Preaward matters.
§ 1832.503 - Postaward matters.
§ 1832.504 - Subcontracts. (NASA supplements paragraph (c))
§ 1832.501-1 - Customary progress payment rates. (NASA supplements paragraph (a))
§ 1832.501-2 - Unusual progress payments.
§ 1832.502-2 - Contract finance office clearance.
§ 1832.502-4 - Contract clauses.
§ 1832.502-470 - NASA contract clause.
§ 1832.503-3 - Initiation of progress payments and review of accounting system.
§ 1832.503-4 - Approval of progress payment requests.
§ 1832.503-5 - Administration of progress payments. (NASA supplements paragraph (c).)
§ 1832.503-470 - Contract clause.
§ 1832.007 - Contract financing payments.
Subpart 1832.7 - Contract Funding
§ 1832.702 - Policy.
§ 1832.704 - Limitation of cost or funds.
§ 1832.705 - Contract clauses.
§ 1832.702-70 - NASA policy.
§ 1832.704-70 - Incrementally funded fixed-price contracts.
§ 1832.705-2 - Clauses for limitation of cost or funds.
§ 1832.705-270 - NASA clauses for limitation of cost or funds.
Subpart 1832.9 - Prompt Payment
§ 1832.903 - Policy.
§ 1832.906 - Contract financing payments. (NASA supplements paragraph (a))
§ 1832.908 - Contract clauses.
§ 1832.970 - Payments to Canadian Commercial Corporation.
§ 1832.908-70 - Submission of vouchers/invoices.
Subpart 1832.10 - Performance-Based Payments
§ 1832.1001 - Policy.
§ 1832.1004 - Procedures.
§ 1832.1005 - Contract clauses. (NASA supplements paragraph (a))
§ 1832.1006 - Agency approvals.
§ 1832.1009 - Title.
Subpart 1832.11 - Electronic Funds Transfer
§ 1832.1110 - Solicitation provision and contract clauses. (NASA supplements paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)).
Subpart 1832.70 - Milestone Billing Arrangements
§ 1832.7001 - General.
§ 1832.7002 - Policy.
§ 1832.7003 - Criteria for use.
§ 1832.7004 - Contractual implementation.
§ 1832.7005 - Concurrence prior to solicitation.
§ 1832.7006 - Approval prior to contract award.
§ 1832.7007 - Subcontracts and contract amendments.
§ 1832.7008 - Solicitation and contract clause.
§ 1832.006-2 - Definition.