§ 1852.223-70 - Safety and Health Measures and Mishap Reporting.  

Latest version.
  • 1852.223-70 Safety and Health Measures and Mishap Reporting.

    As prescribed in 1823.7001(a), insert the following clause:

    Safety and Health Measures and Mishap Reporting (DEC 2015)

    (a) Safety is the freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. NASA's safety priority is to protect: (1) The public, (2) astronauts and pilots, (3) the NASA workforce (including contractor employees working on NASA contracts), and (4) high-value equipment and property.

    (b) The Contractor shall take all reasonable safety and occupational health measures in performing this contract. The Contractor shall maintain an effective worksite safety and health program with organized and systematic methods to -

    (1) Comply with Federal, State, and local safety and occupational health laws and with the safety and occupational health requirements of this contract;

    (2) Describe and assign the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and employees;

    (3) Inspect regularly for and identify, evaluate, prevent, and control hazards;

    (4) Orient and train employees to eliminate or avoid hazards; and

    (5) Periodically review the program's effectiveness. Authorized Government representatives shall have access to and the right to examine the work site and related records under this Contract in order to determine the adequacy of the Contractor's safety and occupational health measures.

    (c) The Contractor shall take, or cause to be taken, any other safety, and occupational health-measures the Contracting Officer may reasonably direct. To the extent that the Contractor may be entitled to an equitable adjustment for those measures under the terms and conditions of this contract, the equitable adjustment shall be determined pursuant to the procedures of the changes clause of this contract; provided, that no adjustment shall be made under this Safety and Health clause for any change for which an equitable adjustment is expressly provided under any other clause of the contract.

    (d) The Contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer or a designee any Type A, B, C, or D Mishap, or close calls as defined in NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 8621.1, Mishap and Close Call Reporting, Investigating, and Recordkeeping. In addition, service contractors (excluding construction contracts) shall provide quarterly reports specifying lost-time frequency rate, number of lost-time injuries, exposure, and accident/incident dollar losses as specified in the contract Schedule.

    (e) The Contractor shall cooperate with any Government-authorized investigation of Type A, B, C, or D Mishaps, or Close Calls reported pursuant to paragraph (d) of this clause by providing access to employees; and relevant information in the possession of the Contractor regarding the mishap or close call.

    (f)(1) The Contracting Officer may notify the Contractor of any noncompliance with this clause and specify corrective actions to be taken. When the Contracting Officer becomes aware of noncompliance that may pose a serious or imminent danger to safety and health of the public, astronauts and pilots, the NASA workforce (including contractor employees working on NASA contracts), or high value mission critical equipment or property, the Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor orally, with written confirmation. The Contractor shall promptly take corrective action.

    (2) If the Contractor fails or refuses to institute prompt corrective action in accordance with subparagraph (f)(1) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may -

    (i) Invoke the stop-work order clause in this contract;

    (ii) Require the Contractor to remove and replace Contractor or subcontractor personnel who fail to comply with or violate applicable requirements of this clause;

    (iii) Record the Contractor's failure to comply in the appropriate databases of past performance; and

    (iv) Consider the Contractor's failure to comply in any responsibility determination or evaluation of past performance.

    (g) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (g) in all subcontracts above the simplified acquisition threshold when the work will be conducted completely or partly on federally-controlled facilities.

    (End of clause)

    [80 FR 73677, Nov. 25, 2015]