§ 1871.102 - Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This part applies to all acquisitions at NASA, except as provided in 1871.401-4(a)(3), the aggregate amount of which is not more than $10,000,000 including options, and for commercial items (FAR Part 12) not more than $25,000,000 including options. This part may be used for commercial item contracts above $25,000,000 at the installation's discretion.

    (b) For other than commercial items, if the Government estimate exceeds the limits of paragraph (a) of this section, the acquisition will be processed under FAR and NFS procedures applicable to large acquisitions (see FAR Parts 14 and 15). When the estimate is within the threshold of paragraph (a) of this section and the acquisition was started using these procedures but the offered prices/costs exceed the MidRange ceiling, the acquisition may continue under MidRange procedures, provided that—

    (1) The price/cost can be determined to be fair and reasonable;

    (2) The successful offeror accepts incorporation of required FAR and NFS clauses applicable to large acquisitions; and

    (3) The acquisition does not exceed $15,000,000 for the total requirement.