§ 1872.305 - Guidelines for Announcement of Opportunity.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The AO should be tailored to the particular needs of the contemplated investigations and be complete in itself. Each AO will identify the originating program office and be numbered consecutively by calendar year, e.g., OA-1-95, OA-2-95; OLMSA-1-95; OSS-1-95; etc. The required format and detailed instructions regarding the contents of the AO are contained in 1872.705.

    (b) The General Instructions and Provisions, (see 1872.705-1) are necessary to accommodate the unique aspects of the AO process. Therefore, they must be appended to each AO.

    (c) At the time of issuance, copies of the AO must be furnished to Headquarters, Office of Procurement (Code HS) and Office of General Counsel (Code GK).

    (d) Proposers should be informed of significant departures from scheduled dates for activities related in the AO.